

    s2:两个数同时往上找, 直到找到公共的父节点(一定能找到,最坏情况下是0), 算法结束。

  因此算法的核心就变成了如何找父节点, 求父节点的分析:

    求父节点的时候,总是发现没有规律可循, 最重要的原因就是树中节点序号的增加是一个s型的路线,那么我们是利用这种特殊性

(s型),还是去除这种特殊性;我暂时没有发现如何利用这种特殊性, 所以我就先把树中节点的序号按从左到右的顺序递增,发现这样求


间数,和求得的父节点序号(不是真实的父节点序号, 如:17/3 == 5, 但实际上17的父节点是11,不是5),得到真实的父节点序号。

    用一个例子来说明, 比如求17的父节点序号:

  先直接求父节点序号(假的):17/3==5,求父节点所在层(2层)中间节点的序号为8, 所以真实的父节点序号是:8*2-5=11]

//File: Solution.java
//Author: lxw
//Time: 2014-10-09
//Usage: Get the common ancestor.
//Method: Align the layers of the 2 numbers. Decrease both of the layers to find the common ancestor.
//NOTE that each time the layer is decreased, we need to convert the number. import java.util.*;
public class Solution{
//I really do not think this function uses a good altorithm.
private static int getLayer(int num){
int res = 1;
int last = 0;
int next = 0;
if(num == 0){
return 0;
last = (int)((Math.pow(3, res) - 3.0) / 2.0);
next = (int)((Math.pow(3, res+1) - 3.0) / 2.0);
if(num > last && num <= next){
return res;
last = next;
} private static int getMid(int layer){
if(layer > 0){
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < layer; ++i){
sum += Math.pow(3, i);
sum += (int)((Math.pow(3, layer) + 1.0) / 2.0);
return sum;
return 0;
} //num2Lay >= num1Lay
private static int getCommon(int num2Lay, int num1Lay, int num2, int num1){
while(num1Lay != num2Lay){
if(num2 % 3 == 0){
num2 /= 3;
//Each time the layer is decreased, we need to convert the number
num2 = 2 * getMid(num2Lay) - num2;
} //一起往上找父节点
if(num2 == num1){
return num1; //final answer
while(num2 != num1){
if(num2 % 3 == 0){
if(num1 % 3 == 0){
num2 /= 3;
num1 /= 3;
//Since num2Lay == num1Lay, only one of them is needed.
//Each time the layer is decreased, we need to convert the number.
int mid = 2 * getMid(num1Lay);
num2 = mid - num2;
num1 = mid - num1;
return num1;
} public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
int num1, num2, num1Lay, num2Lay;
num1 = in.nextInt();
num2 = in.nextInt();
num1Lay = getLayer(num1);
num2Lay = getLayer(num2);
if(num1Lay < num2Lay){
System.out.println(getCommon(num2Lay, num1Lay, num2, num1));
System.out.println(getCommon(num1Lay, num2Lay, num1, num2));

  写在这里, 如果有人看到话, 希望各位能够互相交流. 肯定有更好的方法, 希望各位不吝赐教.

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