[Hive - LanguageManual] Select base use
Select Syntax
[WITH CommonTableExpression (, CommonTableExpression)*] (Note: Only available starting with Hive 0.13 . 0 ) SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] select_expr, select_expr, ... FROM table_reference [WHERE where_condition] [GROUP BY col_list] [CLUSTER BY col_list | [DISTRIBUTE BY col_list] [SORT BY col_list] ] [LIMIT number] |
- A SELECT statement can be part of a union query or a subquery of another query.
indicates the input to the query. It can be a regular table, a view, a join construct or a subquery.- Table names and column names are case insensitive.
- In Hive 0.12 and earlier, only alphanumeric and underscore characters are allowed in table and column names.
- In Hive 0.13 and later, column names can contain any Unicode character (see HIVE-6013). Any column name that is specified within backticks (
) is treated literally. Within a backtick string, use double backticks (``
) to represent a backtick character. - To revert to pre-0.13.0 behavior and restrict column names to alphanumeric and underscore characters, set the configuration property
. In this configuration, backticked names are interpreted as regular expressions. For details, see Supporting Quoted Identifiers in Column Names (attached to HIVE-6013). Also see REGEX Column Specification below.
Simple query. For example, the following query retrieves all columns and all rows from table t1.
To specify a database, either qualify the table names with database names ("
" starting in Hive 0.7) or issue the USE statement before the query statement (starting in Hive 0.6)."
" allows a query to access tables in different databases.USE sets the database for all subsequent HiveQL statements. Reissue it with the keyword "
" to reset to the default database.USE database_name;
WHERE Clause
The WHERE condition is a boolean expression. For example, the following query returns only those sales records which have an amount greater than 10 from the US region. Hive supports a number ofoperators and UDFs in the WHERE clause:
SELECT * FROM sales WHERE amount > 10 AND region = "US" |
As of Hive 0.13 some types of subqueries 子查询 are supported in the WHERE clause.
ALL and DISTINCT Clauses
The ALL and DISTINCT options specify whether duplicate rows should be returned. If none of these options are given, the default is ALL (all matching rows are returned). DISTINCT specifies removal of duplicate rows from the result set. Note, Hive supports SELECT DISTINCT * since 0.15 (HIVE-9194).
hive> SELECT col1, col2 FROM t1 1 3 1 3 1 4 2 5 hive> SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2 FROM t1 1 3 1 4 2 5 hive> SELECT DISTINCT col1 FROM t1 1 2 |
Partition Based Queries 分区查询
In general, a SELECT query scans the entire(全部) table (other than for sampling (采样)). If a table created using the PARTITIONED BY clause, a query can do partition pruning and scan only a fraction of the table relevant to the partitions specified by the query. Hive currently does partition pruning if the partition predicates are specified in the WHERE clause or the ON clause in a JOIN. For example, if table page_views is partitioned on column date, the following query retrieves rows for just days between 2008-03-01 and 2008-03-31.
SELECT page_views.* FROM page_views WHERE page_views.date >= '2008-03-01' AND page_views.date <= '2008-03-31' |
If a table page_views is joined with another table dim_users, you can specify a range of partitions in the ON clause as follows:
SELECT page_views.* FROM page_views JOIN dim_users ON (page_views.user_id = dim_users.id AND page_views.date >= '2008-03-01' AND page_views.date <= '2008-03-31' ) |
- See also Group By
- See also Sort By / Cluster By / Distribute By / Order By
Hive added support for the HAVING clause in version 0.7.0. In older versions of Hive it is possible to achieve the same effect by using a subquery, e.g:
SELECT col1 FROM t1 GROUP BY col1 HAVING SUM(col2) > 10 |
can also be expressed as
SELECT col1 FROM (SELECT col1, SUM(col2) AS col2sum FROM t1 GROUP BY col1) t2 WHERE t2.col2sum > 10 |
LIMIT Clause
Limit indicates the number of rows to be returned. The rows returned are chosen at random. The following query returns 5 rows from t1 at random.
Top k queries. The following query returns the top 5 sales records wrt amount.
SET mapred.reduce.tasks =
REGEX Column Specification 正则表达式列
A SELECT statement can take regex-based column specification in Hive releases prior to 0.13.0, or in 0.13.0 and later releases if the configuration property hive.support.quoted.identifiers
is set to none
- We use Java regex syntax. Try http://www.fileformat.info/tool/regex.htm for testing purposes.
- The following query selects all columns except ds and hr.
SELECT `(ds|hr)?+.+` FROM sales |
More Select Syntax
See the following documents for additional syntax and features of SELECT statements:
Virtual Columns
Operators and UDFs
Windowing, OVER, and Analytics
Common Table Expressions
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