rm是个强大的命令,特别是rm -rf有时候强大到让你欲哭无泪,当你想清除当前目录下的所有文件和目录时,很简单

$sudo rm -rf ./*


$sudo rm -rf /*


还 有其他各种各样的杯具,比如打开了很多窗口,有本地机器还有远程的几台服务器,本来想从这台机器执行rm -rf命令,却错误的输

入到了其他机器的终端窗口,总之rm太危险了,特别是带有-rf参数时一定要慎之又慎,但老虎也有打盹的时候啊,所以为什么不给 rm



兼容rm命令行接口,可以alias rm为trash-cli



实现了FreeDesktop.org Trash Specification




1 $tar xvfz trash-cli-

2 $cd trash-cli-

3 $sudo python setup.py install


$vim ~/.bashrc


alias rm="trash-put"




trash-put 删除文件

$trash-put foo


trash-list 列出回收站里面的文件

restore-trash 恢复指定的文件

1 $restore-trash

2 ...

3 ...

4 What file to restore [0..n]:


trash-empty 清空回收站

trash-empty days 删除回收站里面超过指定天数的文件


trash-cli trashes files recording the original path, deletion date, and permissions. It uses the same trashcan used by KDE, GNOME, and XFCE, but you can invoke it from the command line (and scripts).

It provides these commands:

  1. trash-put trashes files and directories.
  2. trash-empty empty the trashcan(s).
  3. trash-list list trashed file.
  4. restore-trash restore a trashed file.


Trash a file:

  1. $ trash-put foo

List trashed files:

  1. $ trash-list
  2. 2008-06-01 10:30:48 /home/andrea/bar
  3. 2008-06-02 21:50:41 /home/andrea/bar
  4. 2008-06-23 21:50:49 /home/andrea/foo

Search for a file in the trashcan:

  1. $ trash-list | grep foo
  2. 2007-08-30 12:36:00 /home/andrea/foo
  3. 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/foo

Restore a trashed file:

  1. $ restore-trash
  2. 0 2007-08-30 12:36:00 /home/andrea/foo
  3. 1 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/bar
  4. 2 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/bar2
  5. 3 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/foo2
  6. 4 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/foo
  7. What file to restore [0..4]: 4
  8. $ ls foo
  9. foo

Remove all files from the trashcan:

  1. $ trash-empty

Remove only the files that have been deleted before <days> ago:

  1. $ trash-empty <days>


  1. $ date
  2. Tue Feb 19 20:26:52 CET 2008
  3. $ trash-list
  4. 2008-02-19 20:11:34 /home/einar/today
  5. 2008-02-18 20:11:34 /home/einar/yesterday
  6. 2008-02-10 20:11:34 /home/einar/last_week
  7. $ trash-empty 7
  8. $ trash-list
  9. 2008-02-19 20:11:34 /home/einar/today
  10. 2008-02-18 20:11:34 /home/einar/yesterday
  11. $ trash-empty 1
  12. $ trash-list
  13. 2008-02-19 20:11:34 /home/einar/today

Using it as 'rm' alias

trash-put accept all the options that GNU rm does, if you prefer (I don't) you can set up this alias in your .bashrc:

  1. alias rm='trash-put'

At the present the semantic of trash-put is sligthly different from the one of rm, for example, while rm requires -R for deleting directories trash-put does not. This may change in future.

Keep in mind that Bash aliases are used only in interactive shells, so using this alias should not interfere with scripts that expects to use rm.

Installation (the easy way)


  • Python 2.7
  • setuptools (use apt-get install python-setuptools on Debian)

Installation command:

  1. easy_install trash-cli

Installation from sources

  1. # grab the latest sources
  2. wget https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli/tarball/master
  4. # unpack and install
  5. tar xfz andreafrancia-trash-cli-xxxxxxxx.tar.gz
  6. cd andreafrancia-trash-cli-xxxxxxxx
  7. sudo python setup.py install

Bugs and feedback

If you discover a bug please report it to:


You can reach me via email at me@andreafrancia.it . For twitter use @andreafrancia or #trashcli


Environment setup:

  1. virtualenv env --no-site-packages
  2. source env/bin/activate
  3. pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Running tests:

  1. nosetests unit_tests # run only unit tests
  2. nosetests integration_tests # run all integration tests
  3. nosetests -A 'not stress_test' # run all tests but stress tests
  4. nosetests # run all tests

Check the installation process before release:

  1. python check_release_installation.py

Profiling unit tests:

  1. pip install gprof2dot
  2. nosetests --with-profile --profile-stats-file stats.pf --profile-restrict=unit_tests unit_tests
  3. gprof2dot -w -f pstats stats.pf | dot -Tsvg >| stats.svg
  4. open stats.svg


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