package treemapdemos;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* Created by gao on 15-12-22.
* TreeMap:是基于红黑树的Map接口的实现。
* HashMap<String,String>
* 键:String
* 值:String
public class TreeMapDemo01 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 创建集合对象
TreeMap<String, String> tm = new TreeMap<String, String>();
// 创建元素并添加元素
tm.put("hello", "你好");
tm.put("world", "世界");
tm.put("java", "爪哇");
tm.put("world", "世界2");
tm.put("javaee", "爪哇EE");
// 遍历集合
Set<String> set = tm.keySet();
for (String key : set) {
String value = tm.get(key);
System.out.println(key + "---" + value);



package treemapdemos;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* Created by gao on 15-12-22.
* TreeMap<Student,String>
* 键:Student
* 值:String
public class TreeMapDemo02 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 创建集合对象
TreeMap<Student, String> tm = new TreeMap<Student, String>(new Comparator<Student>() {
public int compare(Student s1, Student s2) {
int num = s1.getAge() - s2.getAge();
int num2 = num == 0 ? s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName()) : num;
return num2;
// 创建学生对象
Student s1 = new Student("潘安", 30);
Student s2 = new Student("柳下惠", 35);
Student s3 = new Student("唐伯虎", 33);
Student s4 = new Student("燕青", 32);
Student s5 = new Student("唐伯虎", 33);
// 存储元素
tm.put(s1, "宋朝");
tm.put(s2, "元朝");
tm.put(s3, "明朝");
tm.put(s4, "清朝");
tm.put(s5, "汉朝");
// 遍历
Set<Student> set = tm.keySet();
for (Student key : set) {
String value = tm.get(key);
System.out.println(key.getName() + "---" + key.getAge() + "---" + value);

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