create or replace procedure p_getString
p_finalString out varchar2,
p_rulestring in number,
p_sourceString in varchar2
v_num number:=1;
v_resoucenum number:=1;
v_getnum number;
v_getsting varchar2(2000);
v_errorstring exception;
v_errorrule exception;
if length(p_sourceString) < 18 then
raise v_errorstring;
v_getnum := substr(p_rulestring, v_num, 1); -- get the numbers from rule
v_getsting := substr(p_sourceString, v_resoucenum, v_getnum); -- According to the rule number to get the short String
v_resoucenum := v_resoucenum + v_getnum; -- the number of the next short string start position
v_num := v_num + 1;
p_finalString := p_finalString||v_getsting||'/'; -- Splice the short string to the final String
if substr(p_rulestring, v_num, 1) is null then exit;
end if;
end loop;
if (v_resoucenum -1) < 18 or(v_resoucenum -1) > 18 then
raise v_errorrule;
end if;
p_finalString := substr(p_finalString, 1, length(p_finalString)-1);
end if; exception
when v_errorstring then
p_finalString:='The String length is less than 18!';
when v_errorrule then
p_finalString:='The sum value of the rule numbers less than or more then 18!';
when others then
p_finalString:='Others wrong'; end p_getString;


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