(线段树 区间运算求点)Flowers -- hdu -- 4325
Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 2577 Accepted Submission(s): 1263
For each case, the first line contains two integer N and M, where N (1 <= N <= 10^5) is the number of flowers, and M (1 <= M <= 10^5) is the query times.
In the next N lines, each line contains two integer Si and Ti (1 <= Si <= Ti <= 10^9), means i-th flower will be blooming at time [Si, Ti].
In the next M lines, each line contains an integer Ti, means the time of i-th query.
Sample outputs are available for more details.
using namespace std; #define N 110000
#define MOD 100000007
#define Lson r<<1
#define Rson r<<1|1 struct node
int L, R, e;
int Mid()
return (L+R)/;
}a[N<<]; void BuildTree(int r, int L, int R)
a[r].L=L, a[r].R=R, a[r].e=; if(L==R)
return ; BuildTree(Lson, L, a[r].Mid());
BuildTree(Rson, a[r].Mid()+, R);
} void Update(int r, int L, int R)
if(a[r].L==L && a[r].R==R)
return ;
} if(R<=a[r].Mid())
return Update(Lson, L, R);
else if(L>a[r].Mid())
return Update(Rson, L, R);
Update(Lson, L, a[r].Mid());
Update(Rson, a[r].Mid()+, R);
} void UP(int r, int L, int R)
return ; if(a[r].L==L && a[r].R==R )
a[Lson].e += a[r].e;
a[Rson].e += a[r].e;
} if(R<=a[r].Mid())
UP(Lson, L, R);
else if(L>a[r].Mid())
UP(Rson, L, R);
UP(Lson, L, a[r].Mid());
UP(Rson, a[r].Mid()+, R);
} int Query(int r, int x)
if(a[r].L==a[r].R && a[r].L==x)
return a[r].e; if(x<=a[r].Mid())
return Query(Lson, x);
return Query(Rson, x);
} int main()
int T, iCase=;
scanf("%d", &T);
int n, m, i, L, R, x; scanf("%d%d", &n, &m); BuildTree(, , ); for(i=; i<n; i++)
scanf("%d%d", &L, &R);
Update(, L, R);
} UP(, , ); printf("Case #%d:\n", iCase++);
for(i=; i<m; i++)
scanf("%d", &x);
printf("%d\n", Query(, x));
return ;
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