1. 1
    Open Terminal.
  2. 2
    Log in as root so type: sudo -i and then write your password.
  3. 3
    View your current address by typing: ip link show
  4. 4
    Set the device down to avoid problems. Type: ip link set dev xxxx down where xxxx is the name of device you want to set down, so for example: ip link set dev wlan0 down
  5. 5
    Change your MAC address. Write into terminal this: ip link set dev xxxx address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx where xxxx is the device and xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx is your new MAC address, so it will looks for example like: ip link set dev wlan0 address 74:d0:3b:9f:d8:48
  6. 6
    Set up your device so type: ip link set dev xxxx up, where xxxx is the name of your device
  7. 7
    Step by step:

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