Creating popup windows in XBAP applications
A colleague at DevelopMentor recently asked me about creating popup windows in XAML browser applications (XBAP). Normally this is not allowed – if you try to create a top-level window you will get a SecurityException because WPF asks forUIPermission which is strictly prohibited when hosted in the browser.
It turns out, however, that you can get a popup window – there’s a hidden little gem in theSystem.Windows.Controls.Primitive namespace that is your friend: Popup.
It’s the same underlying class that ToolTip, Menu, and ComboBox use to display drop-down menus and overlays and it is browser-hosting aware! It’s pretty limited in functionality – I’m not sure you can get it to move around with the mouse for example, but for simple cases it works great. Here’s a code snippet – wire this up to a button in an XBAP:
void OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Popup window = new Popup(); StackPanel sp = new StackPanel { Margin = new Thickness() };
sp.Children.Add(new TextBlock { Text = "Hi from a popup" });
Button newButton = new Button { Content = "Another button" };
newButton.Click += delegate { window.IsOpen = false; };
sp.Children.Add(new Slider { Minimum = , Maximum = , Value = , Width = }); window.Child = new Border { Background = Brushes.White, BorderBrush = Brushes.Black,
BorderThickness = new Thickness(), Child = sp };
window.PlacementTarget = this;
window.Placement = PlacementMode.Center; window.IsOpen = true;
The key thing you need to do is set the PlacementTarget. That associates a “parent” window and without it, the Popup class asserts UIPermission which will fail in the browser environment.
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