Advantages and Disadvantages of Email communication compared with Face-To-Face communication:
Email Communication:
Can attach files
Useful for co-workers in different districts
Can keep history
May cause Misunderstandings
It may be unsafe as it may send virus or warms
Not easy to recall
F2F communication:
Get response in time
Express Emotions exactly
Overview of an Email:
To list:

Enter recipients, separated by semicolons.

Carbon Copy (cc) \ Blind Carbon Copy (bcc)


Short, most important words, simple and focused. Indicate if you need a response,

Most of them are Noun.


Start with a Greeting:

Hi Steve,

I am writing to …..

As mentioned before we need to …..

Polite: mood, tone. Manner of speaking.

Verb tense:  Past/Present/Progressive (Continuous)/Future/ tense.

Noun: singular or plural format.

subject + predicate + object


Brevity and clarity

The arrangement should be orderly


End with a Closing:



Signatures: You can set signatures in Outlook Options-->Mail-->Signatures…


Remember: Double-check is pretty essential before you send out an email.

There are 3 main check points:

  1. The manner of Speaking -> Be polite enough.
  2. The tenses of Verbs ->Past tense? Present tense? Future tense? Progressive (Continuous) tense?
  3. The formats of Nouns -> Singular or plural?

Below are some good examples about the expressions in emails.

How to Express Your Gratitude:

  1. Thank you for your understanding.
  2. Thank you for your prompt reply.
  3. Thanks for all your assistance.
  4. It will be much appreciated if ….
  5. I could appreciate it if you ….

How to Express Your Suggestions:

  1. I suggest that..
  2. I would like to …
  3. Shall we …
  4. What do you think about this?
  5. Could/Would you please …  (if possible)
  6. Is it ok to mark it pass?
  7. Which one do you prefer?
  8. I wonder whether we can delete this test case.

How to Provide Your Questions:

  1. I have some questions about….
  2. For the assignment ABC, I have the following questions…
  3. Here are some issues for this build…
  4. The current status is as following…

How to Express your Apologies:

  1. I’m really sorry about this.
  2. Sorry for any inconvenience we have brought to you.
  3. I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding!
  4. I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP.

About Attachments:

  1. Please refer to the attached files.
  2. Please check the attached error logs for more.
  3. I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.
  4. Attach is the design document, please review it.
  5. For other known issues please see attached log files.

Some Basic Abbreviations:

  1. CC : Carbon Copy
  2. BCC: Blind Carbon Copy
  3. FYI : For Your Information
  4. ASAP: As Soon As Possible
  5. AFAIK: As Far As I Know
  6. B4: Before
  7. CIL: Comments In Line

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