
Poddubnyy D, et al. EULAR 2015.
Present ID: THU0199.



方法: 共60例AS患者来自2项TNF拮抗剂长期观察研究
(英利昔单抗43例 [1],
他们知晓随访时间点。通过BASFI评估机体功能状态, 由通过BAMI(0-10)评估脊柱活动性,

接受英夫利昔单抗​​和依那西普治疗的患者的基线临床特征无显著差异(年龄, 性别, HLA-B27, 病程,
病情活动度和基线结构损坏), 故将这两种药物的数据加以合并。两位阅片师之间对mSASSS判读一致性很好,
BASFI快速改善并在10年间相当稳定地维持在低分值, 而这些患者的mSASSS在10年间增加了6分。与BASFI相似,
BASMI在应用抗TNF之后显著改善, 在10年间也维持在较低分值, 基线3.5, 第2年 2.5, 第4年 2.1, 第6年2.1,
第8年2.5, 第10年2.7。BASDAI也在10年间维持小于3分,

结论: 尽管长期抗TNF治疗的患者中出现一些放射学进展,
但患者的机体功能装提保持稳定。在这些情况下, BASFI变化与BASDAI相关而与mSASSS不相关。这可能提示,


图1. 强直性脊柱炎患者接受TNFi治疗10年间的脊柱放射学进展(mSASSS)、功能状态(BASFI)和病情活动度(BASDAI)的变化.


Ann Rheum

  • Poster Presentations

THU0199 Functional Status Remains Stable Despite
Continuous Radiographic Spinal Progression Over Ten Years in
Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis Receiving Anti-TNF

  1. D. Poddubnyy1,
  2. A. Fedorova1,
  3. J. Listing2,
  4. H. Dyck2,
  5. H. Haibel1,
  6. X. Baraliakos3,
  7. J. Braun3,
  8. J. Sieper1


  1. 1
    Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

  2. 2
    German Rheumatism Research Centre, Berlin

  3. 3
    Rheumazentrum Ruhrgebiet, Herne, Germany

  1. 1
    Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

  2. 2
    German Rheumatism Research Centre, Berlin

  3. 3
    Rheumazentrum Ruhrgebiet, Herne, Germany


Background Impaired function and spinal
mobility in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) can be caused
by both spinal inflammation and new bone formation. Anti-TNF
therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation but the influence on
radiographic progression is less clear.

Objectives To investigate the impact of
long-term (up to 10 years) anti-TNF therapy on function and spinal
mobility in relation to radiographic progression in the spine in
patients with AS.

Methods Altogether 60 patients with AS from
two long-term trials with TNF blockers (43 on infliximab [1] and 17
on etanercept [2]) were included in this completer analysis based
on availability of spinal x-rays performed at baseline and at least
at one following time-point (year 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) during the
follow-up. Spinal radiographs (cervical and lumbar spine lateral
views) were scored according to the modified Stoke Ankylosing
Spondylitis Spine Score (mSASSS) system by two readers (DP and AF)
not blinded for the time point. The functional status was assessed
by means of the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index
(BASFI), spinal mobility – by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis
Metrology Index (BASMI, 0-10), and clinical disease activity - by
the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index

Results Patients treated with infliximab
and etanercept had similar baseline characteristics with regards of
age, gender, HLA-B27 status, symptom duration, disease activity and
baseline structural damage that allowed pooling of the data. There
was a good agreement between readers regarding the mSASSS with an
intra-class correlation coefficients of >0.9 at all time-points.
The dynamics of the mSASSS score, BASDAI, BASFI and BASMI over 10
years at the group level (data as observed) are presented in
the figure. After the BASFI had
initially improved significantly in response to anti-TNF therapy in
those patients who remained on the drug over time it remained
remarkably stable at low levels over 10 years despite the observed
increase of the mSASSS by 6 points in the same patients. Similarly,
BASMI had improved significantly after initiation of anti-TNF
therapy and remained at the low level until year 10: baseline –
3.5, year 2 – 2.5, year 4 – 2.1, year 6 – 2.1, year 8 – 2.5, year
10 – 2.7. The BASDAI also remained stable at levels <3
indicating good control of disease activity.

Conclusions Functional status in patients
with advanced AS remained stable during long-term anti-TNF therapy
despite some radiographic progression. Under these conditions the
BASFI course correlated strongly with BASDAI but not with the
mSASSS. This might indicate that a good control of inflammation is
able to overweight the negative effect of structural damage in the
spine on the functional status in AS.


  1. Braun J, et al. Lancet

  2. Brandt J, et al. Arthritis Rheum

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