

本次测试时,在程序中引入Spire.Doc for Java。可通过以下方法引用Spire.Doc.jar文件:

方法1:将Spire.Doc for Java下载到本地,解压,安装。安装完成后,找到安装路径下BIN文件夹中的Spire.Doc.jar。然后在Visual Studio中打开“解决方案资源管理器”,鼠标右键点击“引用”,“添加引用”,将本地路径BIN文件夹下的jar文件添加引用至程序。


  1. 1 <repositories>
  2. 2 <repository>
  3. 3 <id>com.e-iceblue</id>
  4. 4 <url>https://repo.e-iceblue.cn/repository/maven-public/</url>
  5. 5 </repository>
  6. 6 </repositories>
  7. 7 <dependencies>
  8. 8 <dependency>
  9. 9 <groupId>e-iceblue</groupId>
  10. 10 <artifactId>spire.doc</artifactId>
  11. 11 <version>10.9.0</version>
  12. 12 </dependency>
  13. 13 </dependencies>


(1)可以在Visual Studio中打开“解决方案资源管理器”,鼠标右键点击“引用”,“管理NuGet包”,然后搜索“FreeSpire.Doc”,点击“安装”。等待程序安装完成。


Install-Package FreeSpire.Doc -Version 10.9.0


  1. 创建一个Document实例,使用Document.loadFromFile()方法加载示例文档。
  2. 使用Document.getSections()方法获得节集合,然后使用SectionCollection.get()方法获得特定的节。
  3. 使用Section.getTables()方法获得表格集合,然后使用TableCollection.get()方法获得想要的表。
  4. 调用mergeCell(Table table,boolean isHorizontalMerge,int index,int start,int end)方法来垂直或水平地合并表格单元格。这个方法将确定要合并的单元格是否有相同的值,并在合并的单元格中只保留一个值。
  5. 使用Document.saveToFile()方法保存文件。


  1. 1 import com.spire.doc.*;
  2. 2 import com.spire.doc.interfaces.ITable;
  3. 3
  4. 4 public class MergeCells {
  5. 5 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  6. 6
  7. 7 //Create an object of Document class and load the sample document.
  8. 8 Document document = new Document();
  9. 9 document.loadFromFile("Sample.docx");
  10. 10
  11. 11 //Get the first section
  12. 12 Section section = document.getSections().get(0);
  13. 13
  14. 14 //Get the first table
  15. 15 Table table = section.getTables().get(0);
  16. 16
  17. 17 //Invoike mergeCell()method to merge cells vertically
  18. 18 mergeCell(table, false, 0, 1, 3);
  19. 19
  20. 20 //Invoike mergeCell()method to merge cell horizontally
  21. 21 mergeCell(table, true, 0, 3, 4);
  22. 22
  23. 23 //Save the document to file
  24. 24 document.saveToFile("MergeTable.docx",FileFormat.Docx_2013);
  25. 25 }
  26. 26
  27. 27 //Customize a mergeCell() method to remove the duplicate values while merging cells
  28. 28 public static void mergeCell(Table table, boolean isHorizontalMerge, int index, int start, int end) {
  29. 29
  30. 30 if (isHorizontalMerge) {
  31. 31 //Get a cell from table
  32. 32 TableCell firstCell = table.get(index, start);
  33. 33 //Invoke getCellText() method to get the cell’s text
  34. 34 String firstCellText = getCellText(firstCell);
  35. 35 for (int i = start + 1; i <= end; i++) {
  36. 36 TableCell cell1 = table.get(index, i);
  37. 37 //Check if the text is the same as the first cell
  38. 38 if (firstCellText.equals(getCellText(cell1))) {
  39. 39 //If yes, clear all the paragraphs in the cell
  40. 40 cell1.getParagraphs().clear();
  41. 41 }
  42. 42 }
  43. 43 //Merge cells horizontally
  44. 44 table.applyHorizontalMerge(index, start, end);
  45. 45
  46. 46 }
  47. 47 else {
  48. 48 TableCell firstCell = table.get(start, index);
  49. 49 String firstCellText = getCellText(firstCell);
  50. 50 for (int i = start + 1; i <= end; i++) {
  51. 51 TableCell cell1 = table.get(i, index);
  52. 52 if (firstCellText.equals(getCellText(cell1))) {
  53. 53 cell1.getParagraphs().clear();
  54. 54 }
  55. 55 }
  56. 56 //Merge cells vertically
  57. 57 table.applyVerticalMerge(index, start, end);
  58. 58 }
  59. 59 }
  60. 60 public static String getCellText(TableCell cell) {
  61. 61
  62. 62 StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
  63. 63 //Traverse all the paragraphs of a cell
  64. 64 for (int i = 0; i < cell.getParagraphs().getCount(); i++) {
  65. 65 //Get every paragraph’s text and append it to StringBuilder
  66. 66 text.append(cell.getParagraphs().get(i).getText().trim());
  67. 67 }
  68. 68 return text.toString();
  69. 69 }
  70. 70 }




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