
824. Goat Latin






public String toGoatLatin(String S) {
final String[] arr = S.split(" ");
final int[] idx = {0};
return" "))
.map(s -> convert(s, ++idx[0]))
.reduce("", (s1, s2) -> s1 + " " + s2).trim();
} String convert(String ori, int count) {
String pre = "";
// begin with vowel aeiou
char first = ori.charAt(0);
if (first == 'A' || first == 'a'
|| first == 'E' || first == 'e'
|| first == 'I' || first == 'i'
|| first == 'O' || first == 'o'
|| first == 'U' || first == 'u'
) {
pre = ori;
} else {
// begin with consonant not aeiou
pre = ori.substring(1) + first;
} // add a
char[] a = new char[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
a[i] = 'a';
return pre + "ma" + String.valueOf(a);

public String toGoatLatin(String S) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int count = 1;
for(String tmp : S.split(" ")) {
sb.append(convert(tmp, count++)).append(" ");
return sb.toString().trim();

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