
#include <iostream>
#include <string> int main()
double f = 23.43;
double f2 = 1e-9;
double f3 = 1e40;
double f4 = 1e-40;
double f5 = 123456789;
std::string f_str = std::to_string(f);
std::string f_str2 = std::to_string(f2); // 注意:返回 "0.000000"
std::string f_str3 = std::to_string(f3); // 注意:不返回 "1e+40".
std::string f_str4 = std::to_string(f4); // 注意:返回 "0.000000"
std::string f_str5 = std::to_string(f5);
std::cout << "std::cout: " << f << '\n'
<< "to_string: " << f_str << "\n\n"
<< "std::cout: " << f2 << '\n'
<< "to_string: " << f_str2 << "\n\n"
<< "std::cout: " << f3 << '\n'
<< "to_string: " << f_str3 << "\n\n"
<< "std::cout: " << f4 << '\n'
<< "to_string: " << f_str4 << "\n\n"
<< "std::cout: " << f5 << '\n'
<< "to_string: " << f_str5 << '\n';


std::cout: 23.43
to_string: 23.430000
std::cout: 1e-09
to_string: 0.000000
std::cout: 1e+40
to_string: 10000000000000000303786028427003666890752.000000
std::cout: 1e-40
to_string: 0.000000
std::cout: 1.23457e+08
to_string: 123456789.000000


#include <iostream>
#include <string> int main()
std::string str1 = "45";
std::string str2 = "3.14159";
std::string str3 = "31337 with words";
std::string str4 = "words and 2"; int myint1 = std::stoi(str1);
int myint2 = std::stoi(str2);
int myint3 = std::stoi(str3);
// 错误: 'std::invalid_argument'
// int myint4 = std::stoi(str4); std::cout << "std::stoi(\"" << str1 << "\") is " << myint1 << '\n';
std::cout << "std::stoi(\"" << str2 << "\") is " << myint2 << '\n';
std::cout << "std::stoi(\"" << str3 << "\") is " << myint3 << '\n';
//std::cout << "std::stoi(\"" << str4 << "\") is " << myint4 << '\n'; }


std::stoi("45") is 45

std::stoi("3.14159") is 3

std::stoi("31337 with words") is 31337


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