I hesitate to show this :), but if you really did want to use aborts, you could do something like:

    int Foo(CancellationToken token)
        Thread t = Thread.CurrentThread;
        using (token.Register(t.Abort))
            // compute-bound work here

Then, if the token receives a cancellation request, it'll translate that into an abort on the thread running the compute-bound work.  Of course, it'd be better if the "crunchy" operation were written to monitor the token, checking its IsCancellationRequest property or calling ThrowIfCancellationRequested every once in a while.  This is what methods like Parallel.For and PLINQ do, and it provides for a nice cooperative cancellation mechanism whereby the caller can still be terminated in a timely fashion, but it can do so at a particular point when it's safe.

I hope that helps.

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