Python Tuples
1. basic
Tuples is a sequence of immutable object. It's a sequence, just like List. However, it cannot be changed.
- a = (1,2,3)
If a tuples only contain a object, we still need to include a comma.
- b = (1,)
2. accessing the value
- b = (1,2,3,4,5)
- b[0] #b[0] == 1
- b[1:3] #b[1:3] == (2,3)
3. Update the tuples
We can not change any value in a tuple.
- b = (1,2)
- b[0] = 3 #this is wrong
- #What we can do it's just
- a = (3,4)
- c = a+b
- #result (3,4,1,2)
4. delete a tuples
Since wen can not change a value in a tuple. What we can do is to delete a whole tuples.
- b = (1,2)
- del b
5. Basic operation
- b = (1,2)
- len(b) #return the length of b
- (1)*4 #(1,1,1,1)
- 1 in b #return Ture
- for i in b:
- print(i)
6. Built-in function
- cmp(tuples1, tuples2) #compare two tuples
- len(tuples)
- max(tuples1)
- min(tuples1)
- tuple(seq) #turn a seq into a tuple
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