<2014 12 28> Some conclusions and thought recently
Since last year August when I started to prepare for the IELTS examiation, it took one year's time for me to successfully apply the Australian Scholarship on PhD study. And now, I have been in Perth for nearly five months.
Gernerally, thanks to my solid English knowledge, everything seemed to be easy to deal with, living, reading and talking. I started some business with my girlfriend in China. I also started to write some papars, hoping to get some publications as soon as possible, which will greatly relieve my uncertainty and stress in PhD study.
For the future plans, after studying and finishing the degree in Australia in 3 years and a half, I will search for a postdoc in the USA or just accepted four years' working Visa in Australia and search for any oppotunities to start another carreer. Anyhow, next ten years are seriouly important for me as I need to live overseas. Finally I hope I can stand firmly in Australia or America.
Recently I still pay some attention to the situation of China, economics and politics and so on. In my opinion, which should be a predict, China is falling down. Utimately, the end will be the same of Soviet of Unions: atftering two decades of decreasing in economic, the dictature cannot balance itself and break down. This process would take 10-20 years time, depending on the speed of cracking down of economic. I hope at that time I have ability to help my family and relatives or even friends out of the difficult situation, or I can go back to China and do some thing that necessary.
It is time to grasp my destiny tightly into my hand.
It is time to fight like a real soldier for reputation and power and money and women.
It is time to achieve some success in my best period of the life.
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