
hbase(main):001:0> lcc@lcc-HP-Pro-3380-MT:~$ jps
28522 NodeManager
817 Jps
27997 DataNode
28206 SecondaryNameNode
386 HMaster
28380 ResourceManager
27823 NameNode
300 HQuorumPeer


netstat -pan | grep 16020


bin/hbase-daemon.sh start regionserver

但是这个命令总是启动不成功,查看日志发现,总是提示端口被占用lem binding to localhost/ : Address already in use: bind


  1. Start and stop additional RegionServers

    The HRegionServer manages the data in its StoreFiles as directed by the HMaster. Generally, one HRegionServer runs per node in the cluster. Running multiple HRegionServers on the same system can be useful for testing in pseudo-distributed mode. The local-regionservers.sh command allows you to run multiple RegionServers. It works in a similar way to the local-master-backup.sh command, in that each parameter you provide represents the port offset for an instance. Each RegionServer requires two ports, and the default ports are 16020 and 16030. However, the base ports for additional RegionServers are not the default ports since the default ports are used by the HMaster, which is also a RegionServer since HBase version 1.0.0. The base ports are 16200 and 16300 instead. You can run 99 additional RegionServers that are not a HMaster or backup HMaster, on a server. The following command starts four additional RegionServers, running on sequential ports starting at 16202/16302 (base ports 16200/16300 plus 2).

    $ .bin/local-regionservers.sh start 2 3 4 5

    To stop a RegionServer manually, use the local-regionservers.sh command with the stop parameter and the offset of the server to stop.

    $ .bin/local-regionservers.sh stop 3

大概意思是,HMaster占用了16020这个端口,那么再用bin/hbase-daemon.sh start regionserver启动HRegionServer时候,肯定会报错,所以换用下面命令启动时,就没问题了

.bin/local-regionservers.sh start 2 3 4 5

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