

  1. ZT 自定义operator new与operator delete的使用(1)

    http://blog.csdn.net/waken_ma/article/details/4004972 先转两篇文章: 拨开自定义operator new与operator delete的迷雾 C ...

  2. [RxJS] Creation operator: of()

    RxJS is a lot about the so-called "operators". We will learn most of the important operato ...

  3. [RxJS] Connection operator: multicast and connect

    We have seen how Subjects are useful for sharing an execution of an RxJS observable to multiple obse ...

  4. [RxJS] Transformation operator: repeat

    Operator repeat() is somewhat similar to retry(), but is not for handling operators. In this lesson ...

  5. [RxJS] Transformation operator: buffer, bufferCount, bufferTime

    This lesson will teach you about another horizontal combination operator: buffer and its variants. B ...

  6. [RxJS] Transformation operator: scan

    All of the combination operators take two or more observables as input. These operators may also be ...

  7. [RxJS] Combination operator: withLatestFrom

    Operator combineLatest is not the only AND-style combinator. In this lesson we will explore withLate ...

  8. [RxJS] Combination operator: combineLatest

    While merge is an OR-style combination operator, combineLatest is an AND-style combination operator. ...

  9. [RxJS] Filtering operator: filter

    This lesson introduces filter: an operator that allows us to let only certain events pass, while ign ...


  1. tomcat配置服务

    1.在server中右键添加tomcat 2.双击tomcat打开配置窗口添加jvm参数 -Doapath="C:\exeye-workspace\exEyeWeb\oadoc"  ...

  2. JavaScript DOM编程艺术学习笔记-第二章JavaScript语法

    一.JavaScript示例 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset= ...

  3. SSL 重点SSL会话步骤

    SSL.TLS协议 在wiki百科查看下,两者的区别 实现SSL协议的软件 OpenSSL开源软件 SSL会话步骤 1:客户端向服务端索取CA证书,然后验证证书   2:客户端与服务端约定一个通信中使 ...

  4. 第七次JAVA语言笔记

  5. git管理策略

    master:生产环境,用于发布正式稳定版 release-*.*:预发布分支,发布稳定版之前的正式分支 develop:开发分支,测试环境中使用 feature/who xxx:功能分支,功能未开发 ...

  6. python之选择排序

    选择排序:比如在一个长度为N的无序数组中,在第一趟遍历N个数据,找出其中最小的数值与第一个元素交换,第二趟遍历剩下的N-1个数据,找出其中最小的数值与第二个元素交换......第N-1趟遍历剩下的2个 ...

  7. 网络编程----socket介绍、基于tcp协议的套接字实现、基于udp协议的套接字实现

    一.客户端/服务器架构(C/S架构)                                                即C/S架构,包括: 1.硬件C/S架构(打印机) 2.软件C/S架 ...

  8. 《剑指offer》— JavaScript(2)替换空格

    替换空格 题目描述 请实现一个函数,将一个字符串中的空格替换成"%20".例如,当字符串为We Are Happy.则经过替换之后的字符串为We%20Are%20Happy. 实现 ...

  9. PID控制算法的c语言实现十二 模糊PID的参数整定

    这几天一直在考虑如何能够把这一节的内容说清楚,对于PID而言应用并没有多大难度,按照基本的算法设计思路和成熟的参数整定方法,就算是没有经过特殊训练和培训的人,也能够在较短的时间内容学会使用PID算法. ...

  10. bzoj2962 序列操作

    2962: 序列操作 Time Limit: 50 Sec  Memory Limit: 256 MBSubmit: 1145  Solved: 378[Submit][Status][Discuss ...