
Given an integer array, find three numbers whose product is maximum and output the maximum product.

Example 1:

Input: [1,2,3]
Output: 6

Example 2:

Input: [1,2,3,4]
Output: 24


The length of the given array will be in range [3,104] and all elements are in the range [-1000, 1000].

Multiplication of any three numbers in the input won't exceed the range of 32-bit signed integer.




class Solution {
int maximumProduct(vector<int>& nums) {
sort(nums.begin(), nums.end(), comp);
return max(nums[0] * nums[1] * nums[2], nums[0] * nums[nums.size() - 1] * nums[nums.size() - 2]);
static bool comp(int& a, int& b) {
return a > b;
} };

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