涉及到c++ 14新特性: lambda,autovariables.

A basic .pro file generally contains:

1) Qt modules used (core, gui, and so on)

2) Target name (todo, todo.exe, and so on)

3) Project template (app, lib, and so on)

4) Sources, headers, and forms

-----------------------------------------------------   例 子-----------------------------------------------------------------------

In Qt Creator, you can create a new Qt project via File | New File or Project | Application| Qt Widgets Application.

下面四个文件的基本架构都是由qt creator在创建工程时自动生成的!

1) pro文件:

For GCC and CLANG compilers, you must add CONFIG += c++14 to the .pro file to enable C++14 on a Qt project, as shown in the following code:

QT += core gui

CONFIG += c++14

greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets

TARGET = todo


SOURCES += main.cpp \


HEADERS += MainWindow.h \

FORMS += MainWindow.ui \           //qt5里面没有.ui

其中,MainWindow.ui是xml形式的ui 文件,可以由qt creator打开。

2)main.cpp file
#include "MainWindow.h"

#include <QApplication>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


QApplication a(argc, argv);

MainWindow w;


return a.exec();


As usual, the main.cpp file , by default, perform two actions:

Instantiate and show your main window

Instantiate a QApplication and execute the blocking main event loop

Qt tip:

编译快捷键:Ctrl + B (for Windows/Linux) or Command + B (for Mac)

Debug模式下运行快捷键: F5 (for Windows / Linux) or Command +R (for Mac) to run your application in debug mode。




#include <QMainWindow>

namespace Ui {

class MainWindow;  //用于声明在Ui命名空间中存在一个与界面对应的MainWindows类,跟下面定义的同名类是不同的。   ?


class MainWindow : public QMainWindow




    explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);

public slots:

    void addTask();


    Ui::MainWindow *ui;


#endif // MAINWINDOW_H

私有成员变量ui属于类 Ui::MainWindow, which is defined in the ui_MainWindow.h file generated by Qt. It's the C++ transcription of the UI design file MainWindow.ui, 如果你用qt designer添加了一些控件,例如按钮,重新编译后,会看到ui_MainWindow.h中会增加相应的button的定义,从而也可以直接在该文件中通过代码来增加控件!!

The ui member variable will allow you to interact with your UI components (QLabel, QPushButton, and so on) from C++。

#include "mainwindow.h"

#include "

#include <QDebug>

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :


    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)  //通过初始化成员列表来给成员变量ui赋值。


setupUi function is to initialize all widgets used by the MainWindow.ui design file,例如 menuBar = new QMenuBar(MainWindow);

   //connect的使用,pushButton 是按钮类型的指针,其在ui_mainwindow.h中被定义:pushButton = new QPushButton(centralWidget);

   //信号接收者: QApplication::instance(). It is the QApplication object created in main.cpp.

   //槽函数:&QApplication::quit,this is a pointer to one of the receiver's member slot functions. In

   //this example, we use the built-in quit() slot from Qapplication, which will exit the application. quit是 QCoreApplication类的静态函数。

    connect(ui->pushButton, &QPushButton::clicked,

                QApplication::instance(), &QApplication::quit);


   connect(ui->pushButton_2, &QPushButton::clicked,

    this, &MainWindow::addTask);



    delete ui;


void MainWindow::addTask()


    qDebug() << "User clicked on the button!";


ui_mainwindow.h 中定义了命名空间Ui。可以查看代码。

---------------------------------------------------  例 子 end-----------------------------------------------------------------------

新建一个类,来用这个类hold our data. 新建的这个类有自己的ui文件,从而可以与mainWindow区分开来。qt creator提供了一个自动工具


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