Behind every beautiful thing, there's some kind of pain.


No pains, no gains, and sometimes there're only pains, but no gains.

We often envy others' happy life we have seen, nevertheless, there may be a great deal of unhppinesses we haven't seen, because most often people don't want to show their miserable experience to us.

We must know that everyone we meet may fight a hard battle we don't know.

Don't be devoured by jealous of others, please learn what they have paid for their happy life.

Bear in mind that no difficulty is insurmountable if one sets one's mind on it, we also can do that.

The morning, which is the most memorable season of the day, is the aweakening hour.


Recently, I always get up too late, usually at seven and a quarter.

That makes me always rush for the bus.

And I miss the opportunity to enjoy the morning, the most memorable time of a day.

So, I need to get up a little earlier, let the aweakening hour be useful to me.

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