一、下载安装 atom-less

atom-less 项目在这里:https://github.com/schmuli/atom-less



atom-less 的使用略显奇葩。跟其它 LESS 插件不同,它需要在每个 less 文件的头部都写上配置行,编译器读取这行配置,才可以正常运作。好处是,不同的 less 就可以用不同的配置,做到灵活输出,不用频繁去设置全局参数。

1. 官方参考说明 README.md

# atom-less package

An Atom package that auto-compiles LESS files on save, with support for LESS plugins, Clean-CSS and AutoPrefixer.

### Configuration

On the first line of LESS files, add a valid JSON comment, not including the outer brackets ('{' and '}'), with the following properties:

- **"main"**: `string` -
The relative or absolute path to the main LESS file to be compiled (ignores all other options)
- **"out"**: `boolean|string` -
`true` to output using the filename, or a string specifying a name to use
- **"compress"**: `boolean` -
Use Less.JS built-in compression (not compatible with Clean-CSS or Source Maps)
- **"strictMath"**: `boolean` -
Require brackets around math expressions
- **"sourceMap"**: `boolean|Object` -
`true` to turn on source maps, or an object specifying LESS source map properties
- **"cleancss"**: `string|object` -
a string specifying the 'compatibility' property,
or an object specifying the Clean-CSS properties (not compatible with Source Maps)
- **"autoprefixer"**: `string|object` -
a `;` separated string specifying the 'browsers' property,
or an object specifying the AutoPrefixer properties Other LESS compiler options might work but are untested at this point. ### Road Map
1. Remove dependency on inline comments, and instead use a .lesscfg project file, allowing easier configuration and automatic support of additional LESS plugins
2. Change callback passing to use Promises


2. 常用选项配置

其实常用的选项就两个:out 和 compressout 配置输出,compress 配置是否压缩。配置要写成 JSON 注释形式,但不包含花括号 { }


// "<选项1>": "<配置1>", "<选项2>": "<配置2>", ...


// "out": true                  ## 输出同名的 css 文件,不压缩
// "out": "test.css" ## 输出名为 test.css 文件,不压缩
// "out": true, "compress": true ## 输出名为 test.css 文件,压缩

3. 常见问题问答

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