class AddComponentRecursively extends ScriptableWizard {

    var componentName : String = "";

    @MenuItem ("GameObject/Add Component Recursively...")

    static function AddComponentsRecursivelyItem() {
ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard("Add Component Recursively", AddComponentRecursively, "Add", "");
} //Main function
function OnWizardCreate() {
var total : int = ;
for (var currentTransform : Transform in Selection.transforms) {
total += RecurseAndAdd(currentTransform, componentName);
if (total == )
Debug.Log("No components added.");
Debug.Log(total + " components of type \"" + componentName + "\" created.");
} function RecurseAndAdd(parent : Transform, componentToAdd : String) : int {
//keep count
var total : int = ;
//add components to children
for (var child : Transform in parent) {
total += RecurseAndAdd(child, componentToAdd);
//add component to parent
var existingComponent : Component = parent.GetComponent(componentToAdd);
if (!existingComponent) {
} return total;
//Set the help string
function OnWizardUpdate () {
helpString = "Specify the exact name of the component you wish to add:";
} // The menu item will be disabled if no transform is selected.
@MenuItem ("GameObject/Add Component Recursively...", true) static function ValidateMenuItem() : boolean {
return Selection.activeTransform;



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