由于自身一直使用osg的 自己使用了osgDB直接读取tiff,修改后保存的。
- #include <osg/Image>
- #include <osgViewer/Viewer>
- #include <osgEarth/Registry>
- #include <osgEarth/ImageToHeightFieldConverter>
- #include <osgEarth/ImageUtils>
- #include <osgEarth/FileUtils>
- #include <osgEarth/MapFrame>
- #include <osgDB/FileUtils>
- #include <osgDB/FileNameUtils>
- #include <osgDB/ReadFile>
- #include <osgDB/WriteFile>
- #include <math.h>
- using namespace osgEarth;
- void floating(osg::HeightField* &hf)
- {
- float floatingData = 179.0;
- float fBegin = 140.0;
- for (unsigned col = ; col < hf->getNumColumns(); ++col)
- {
- for (unsigned row = ; row < hf->getNumRows(); ++row)
- {
- float height = hf->getHeight(col, row);
- if (height < fBegin)
- {
- hf->setHeight(col, row, floatingData);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void seaboard(osg::HeightField* &hf)
- {
- float fBegin = 0.1;
- //float fEnd = 0.000001;
- float fLowestValue = 1000.0;
- int fWide = 100.0;
- int *fFlag = new int[hf->getNumColumns()*hf->getNumRows()];
- for (unsigned col = ; col < hf->getNumColumns(); ++col)
- {
- for (unsigned row = ; row < hf->getNumRows(); ++row)
- {
- fFlag[col*hf->getNumRows() + row] = ;
- float height = hf->getHeight(col, row);
- if (height < fBegin)
- {
- fFlag[col*hf->getNumRows() + row] = ;
- hf->setHeight(col, row, - fLowestValue);
- /*简单的计算
- float newh = -1000.0;
- if(height > 0.00001)
- newh = 0.1 - (0.1 - height)/ (0.1-0.00001)*1000.0;
- hf->setHeight(col, row, newh);*/
- }
- }
- }
- for (int i = ; i < hf->getNumColumns()*hf->getNumRows(); i++)
- {
- if (fFlag[i] == )//如果这值在海面以下
- {
- bool isNearSide = false;
- int nowX = i / hf->getNumRows();
- int nowY = i%hf->getNumRows();
- for (int j = ; j <= fWide; j++)
- {
- //从离此值最近的值开始找附近的岸边,往外延伸
- //向东南西北四个方向找,没层都遍历一圈
- for (int x = ; x <= j; x++)
- {
- //如果找到有岸边
- int fDifValueX = x;
- int fDifValueY = j - x;
- int realX = nowX - fDifValueX;
- if (realX > )
- {
- int realY = nowY - fDifValueY;
- if (realY > )
- {
- if (fFlag[realX*hf->getNumRows() + realY] == )//如果是岸边
- isNearSide = true;
- }
- realY = nowY + fDifValueY;
- if (realY < hf->getNumRows())
- {
- if (fFlag[realX*hf->getNumRows() + realY] == )//如果是岸边
- isNearSide = true;
- }
- }
- realX = nowX + fDifValueX;
- if (realX < hf->getNumColumns())
- {
- int realY = nowY - fDifValueY;
- if (realY > )
- {
- if (fFlag[realX*hf->getNumRows() + realY] == )//如果是岸边
- isNearSide = true;
- }
- realY = nowY + fDifValueY;
- if (realY < hf->getNumRows())
- {
- if (fFlag[realX*hf->getNumRows() + realY] == )//如果是岸边
- isNearSide = true;
- }
- }
- }
- //查找这个范围内是否有值,如果有值则用此值
- if (isNearSide)
- {
- float fRealHeight = fBegin - j * fLowestValue / fWide;
- hf->setHeight((i / hf->getNumRows()), (i % hf->getNumRows()), fRealHeight);
- break;//退出当前寻找的延伸
- }
- }
- }
- }
- delete[]fFlag;
- }
- int main(int argc, char** argv)
- {
- ReadResult result;
- osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::ReaderWriter> reader = osgDB::Registry::instance()->getReaderWriterForExtension("tif");
- std::string name("D:\\srtm_19_032.tif");
- osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* opt= NULL;
- osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult rr = reader->readImage(name, opt);
- if (rr.validImage())
- {
- result = ReadResult(rr.takeImage());
- result.getImage()->setName("srtm_19_03.tif");
- }
- if (result.succeeded())
- {
- result.getObject();
- result.metadata();
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image = result.getImage();
- osgEarth::ImageToHeightFieldConverter conv;
- osg::HeightField* hf = conv.convert(image.get());
- //seaboard(hf);
- floating(hf);
- osg::Image* newimage = conv.convert(hf);
- std::string nameofnew("D:\\srtm_19_03.tif");
- reader->writeImage(*newimage, nameofnew);
- }
- return ;
- }
- #include "gdal.h"
- #include "gdal_priv.h"
- #include <string>
- using namespace std;
- int getImgInfo(string szInFile, GDALDataset **poDataset, int *nbands, double **geoTrans, int *width, int *height, GDALDataType *gdt, const char** projRef, GDALRasterBand *** poBand)
- {
- GDALAllRegister();
- GDALDataset *poDatasetTmp = *poDataset;
- poDatasetTmp = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen(szInFile.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly);
- int widthTmp = *width, heightTmp = *height, nbandsTmp = *nbands;
- widthTmp = poDatasetTmp->GetRasterXSize();
- heightTmp = poDatasetTmp->GetRasterYSize();
- nbandsTmp = poDatasetTmp->GetRasterCount();
- GDALDataType gdtTmp = *gdt;
- gdtTmp = poDatasetTmp->GetRasterBand()->GetRasterDataType();
- double *geoTransTmp = *geoTrans;
- geoTransTmp = new double[];
- poDatasetTmp->GetGeoTransform(geoTransTmp);//获取地理坐标信息,地理坐标信息是一个含6个double型数据的数组,
- const char* projRefTmp = *projRef;
- projRefTmp = poDatasetTmp->GetProjectionRef(); //获取投影信息
- GDALRasterBand ** poBandTmp = *poBand;
- poBandTmp = new GDALRasterBand *[nbandsTmp];
- if (poBand == NULL)
- {
- cout << "GDALRasterBand ** poBand = new GDALRasterBand *[nBands]; failed!" << endl;
- }
- for (int i = ; i < nbandsTmp; i++)
- {
- poBandTmp[i] = poDatasetTmp->GetRasterBand(i + );
- }
- *poDataset = poDatasetTmp;
- *nbands = nbandsTmp;
- *geoTrans = geoTransTmp;
- *width = widthTmp;
- *height = heightTmp;
- *gdt = gdtTmp;
- *projRef = projRefTmp;
- *poBand = poBandTmp;
- return ;
- }
- #include "gdal.h"
- #include "gdal_priv.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- #include "getImgInfo.h"
- using namespace std;
- typedef unsigned short UINT; //(0,65535)
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- int ret=;
- GDALAllRegister();
- string szInFile="F:\\IMG_PROCESS\\srtm_19_03.tif";
- double *adfGeoTransform;
- GDALDataType gdt;
- GDALDataset *poDataset;
- int Width, Height, nBands;
- GDALRasterBand ** poBand;
- const char* projRef;
- ret=getImgInfo(szInFile,&poDataset,&nBands,&adfGeoTransform,&Width,&Height ,&gdt,&projRef, &poBand);
- UINT **poBandBlock = new UINT*[nBands];
- if (poBandBlock==NULL)
- {
- cout<<"UINT **poBandBlock = new UINT *[outBand]; failed!"<<endl;
- system("pause");
- return -;
- }
- UINT **poBandBlock_out = new UINT *[nBands];
- if (poBandBlock_out==NULL)
- {
- cout<<"UINT **poBandBlock_out = new byte *[outBand]; failed!"<<endl;
- system("pause");
- return -;
- }
- int xHei=; //一次处理xHei=400行数据 分块处理
- int timePerxH=Height/xHei+;
- GDALDriver *poDriver=NULL;
- poDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName("GTiff");
- string output_file="F:\\IMG_PROCESS\\srtm_19_03_tmp.tif";
- GDALDataset *BiomassDataset;
- BiomassDataset=poDriver->Create(output_file.c_str(),Width,Height,nBands,gdt, NULL);
- int tmp=;//防止无符号数越界
- //开始分块处理////
- for (int i=;i<timePerxH - ;i++) //i表示分块处理需处理次数计数
- {
- for (int j=;j<nBands;j++)
- {
- poBandBlock[j] = new UINT[Width*xHei];
- if (poBandBlock[j]==NULL)
- {
- cout<<"poBandBlock[j] = new UINT[Width*xHei]; failed!"<<endl;
- system("pause");
- return -;
- }
- poBandBlock_out[j] = new UINT[Width*xHei];
- if (poBandBlock_out[j]==NULL)
- {
- cout<<"poBandBlock_out[j] = new byte[Width*xHei]; failed!"<<endl;
- system("pause");
- return -;
- }
- }
- for (int k=; k<nBands; k++ )
- {
- poBand[k]->RasterIO(GF_Read, ,i*xHei,Width,xHei, poBandBlock[k], Width,xHei, gdt, , );
- }
- //poBandBlock像素操作////
- for (int i=;i<nBands;i++)
- {
- for (int j=;j<xHei;j++)
- {
- for (int k=;k<Width;k++)
- {
- if (poBandBlock[i][j*Width+k]==)
- {
- poBandBlock_out[i][j*Width+k]=;
- }
- else if (poBandBlock[i][j*Width+k]>=)
- {
- poBandBlock_out[i][j*Width+k]=;
- }
- else
- {
- poBandBlock_out[i][j*Width+k] = poBandBlock[i][j*Width+k];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for(int k = ; k < nBands; k++)
- {
- BiomassDataset->GetRasterBand (k+)->RasterIO(GF_Write,,xHei*i,Width,xHei,poBandBlock_out[k],Width,xHei,gdt,,);
- }
- for (int j=;j<nBands;j++)
- {
- delete []poBandBlock[j];
- poBandBlock[j]=NULL;
- delete poBandBlock_out[j];
- poBandBlock_out[j]=NULL;
- }
- }
- //////剩余行数处理////
- int foreH=(timePerxH-)*xHei;
- int leftH=Height-foreH;
- for (int j=;j<nBands;j++)
- {
- poBandBlock[j] = new UINT[Width*leftH];
- if (poBandBlock[j]==NULL)
- {
- cout<<"poBandBlock[j] = new UINT[Width*leftH]; failed!"<<endl;
- system("pause");
- return -;
- }
- poBandBlock_out[j] = new UINT[Width*leftH];
- if (poBandBlock_out[j]==NULL)
- {
- cout<<"poBandBlock_out[j] = new byte[Width*leftH]; failed!"<<endl;
- system("pause");
- return -;
- }
- }
- for (int k=; k<nBands; k++ )
- {
- poBand[k]->RasterIO(GF_Read, ,foreH,Width,leftH, poBandBlock[k], Width,leftH, gdt, , );
- }
- //poBandBlock像素操作////
- for (int i=;i<nBands;i++)
- {
- for (int j=;j<leftH;j++)
- {
- for (int k=;k<Width;k++)
- {
- if (poBandBlock[i][j*Width+k]==)
- {
- poBandBlock_out[i][j*Width+k]=;
- }
- else if (poBandBlock[i][j*Width+k]>=)
- {
- poBandBlock_out[i][j*Width+k]=;
- }
- else
- {
- poBandBlock_out[i][j*Width+k]=poBandBlock[i][j*Width+k];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for(int k = ; k < nBands; k++)
- {
- BiomassDataset->GetRasterBand(k+)->RasterIO(GF_Write,,foreH,Width,leftH,poBandBlock_out[k],Width,leftH,gdt,,);
- }
- for (int j=;j<nBands;j++)
- {
- delete poBandBlock[j];
- poBandBlock[j]=NULL;
- delete poBandBlock_out[j];
- poBandBlock_out[j]=NULL;
- }
- ////////对指定的某个区域数据重新赋值//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- for (int j = ; j < nBands; j++)
- {
- poBandBlock[j] = new UINT[ * ];
- if (poBandBlock[j] == NULL)
- {
- cout << "poBandBlock[j] = new UINT[Width*leftH]; failed!" << endl;
- system("pause");
- return -;
- }
- poBandBlock_out[j] = new UINT[ * ];
- if (poBandBlock_out[j] == NULL)
- {
- cout << "poBandBlock_out[j] = new byte[Width*leftH]; failed!" << endl;
- system("pause");
- return -;
- }
- }
- for (int k = ; k < nBands; k++)
- {
- poBand[k]->RasterIO(GF_Read, , , , , poBandBlock[k], , , gdt, , );
- }
- //poBandBlock像素操作//
- for (int i = ; i < nBands; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- for (int k = ; k < ; k++)
- {
- poBandBlock_out[i][j* + k] = ;
- }
- }
- }
- for (int k = ; k < nBands; k++)
- {
- BiomassDataset->GetRasterBand(k + )->RasterIO(GF_Write, , , , , poBandBlock_out[k], , , gdt, , );
- }
- for (int j = ; j < nBands; j++)
- {
- delete poBandBlock[j];
- poBandBlock[j] = NULL;
- delete poBandBlock_out[j];
- poBandBlock_out[j] = NULL;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- delete poBandBlock;
- poBandBlock=NULL;
- delete poBandBlock_out;
- poBandBlock_out=NULL;
- BiomassDataset->SetGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform);
- BiomassDataset->SetProjection(projRef);
- system("pause");
- }
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