1. 写的非常好。清晰易懂,
Install and configure memcached on CentOS
This section provides instructions to install memcached on CentOS and Ubuntu. For additional information, consult the memcached wiki.
We recommend using the latest stable memcache or memcached version (currently, 3.0.8 for memcache and 2.2.0 for memcached).
To install memcached on CentOS, perform the following tasks as a user with root
Install memcached and its dependencies:
yum -y update
yum install -y libevent libevent-devel
yum install -y memcached
yum install -y php-pecl-memcache
The syntax of the preceding commands might depend on what package repositories you use. For example, if you use webtatic and PHP 5.6, enter
yum install -y php56w-pecl-memcache
. Useyum search memcache|grep php
to find the appropriate package name.Change the memcached configuration setting for
:- Open
in a text editor. Locate the value for
and change it to at least 1GB.For example,
- Locate the value for
and change it tolocalhost
For more information about configuring memcached, see the memcached wiki.
- Open
- Save your changes to
and exit the text editor. Restart memcached.
service memcached restart
Restart your web server.
For Apache,
service httpd restart
- Continue with the next section.
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