



    midIndex = (minIndex + maxIndex) / 2

    是因为,以免 minIndex + maxIndex之后会导致溢出而出现错误。

  2. 注意循环的循环终止条件及边界元素的判定。


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; /*
//1: 给定一个有序(不降序)数组arr,求最大的i使得arr[i]等于v,不存在则返回-1
int bisearch(char arr[][10], int begin, int end, char *v)
int minIndex = begin;
int maxIndex = end;
int midIndex; while(minIndex < maxIndex - 1) {
midIndex = minIndex + (maxIndex - minIndex) / 2; if(strcmp(arr[midIndex], v) <= 0)
minIndex = midIndex;
maxIndex = midIndex;
} //从最大索引开始判断
if(!strcmp(arr[maxIndex], v))
return maxIndex;
else if(!strcmp(arr[minIndex], v))
return minIndex;
return -1;
*/ /*
//2: 一个有序(不降序)数组arr,求任意一个i使得arr[i]等于v,不存在则返回-1
int bisearch(char (*arr)[10], int begin, int end, char *v)
int minIndex = begin;
int maxIndex = end;
int midIndex;
while(minIndex < maxIndex) { midIndex = minIndex + (maxIndex - minIndex) / 2; if(strcmp(*(arr + midIndex), v) < 0)
minIndex = midIndex + 1;
else if(strcmp(*(arr + midIndex), v) > 0)
maxIndex = midIndex - 1;
return midIndex;
} cout << "minIndex = " << minIndex << " maxIndex = " << maxIndex << endl; if(!strcmp(*(arr + minIndex), v))
return minIndex; return -1;
*/ /*
int bisearch(char (*arr)[10], int begin, int end, char *v)
int minIndex = begin;
int maxIndex = end;
int midIndex; while(minIndex < maxIndex - 1) {
midIndex = minIndex + (maxIndex - minIndex) / 2;
if(strcmp(*(arr + midIndex), v) < 0)
minIndex = midIndex;
maxIndex = midIndex;
} cout << "minIndex = " << minIndex << " maxIndex = " << maxIndex << endl; //从最小数开始判断
if(!strcmp(*(arr + minIndex), v))
return minIndex;
else if(!strcmp(*(arr + maxIndex), v))
return maxIndex;
return -1;
*/ /*
int bisearch(char (*arr)[10], int begin, int end, char *v)
int minIndex = begin;
int maxIndex = end;
int midIndex; while(minIndex < maxIndex - 1) {
midIndex = minIndex + (maxIndex - minIndex) / 2;
if(strcmp(*(arr + midIndex), v) < 0)
minIndex = midIndex;
maxIndex = midIndex;
} //从最大数开始判断
if(strcmp(*(arr + maxIndex), v) < 0)
return maxIndex;
else if(strcmp(*(arr + minIndex), v) < 0)
return minIndex;
return -1;
*/ //5; 给定一个有序(不降序)数组arr,求最小的i使得arr[i]大于v,不存在则返回-1
int bisearch(char (*arr)[], int begin, int end, char *v)
int minIndex = begin;
int maxIndex = end;
int midIndex; while(minIndex < maxIndex - ) {
midIndex = minIndex + (maxIndex - minIndex) / ; if(strcmp(*(arr + midIndex), v) <= )
minIndex = midIndex;
maxIndex = midIndex;
} //从小数开始判断
if(strcmp(*(arr + minIndex), v) > )
return minIndex;
else if(strcmp(*(arr + maxIndex), v) > )
return maxIndex;
return -;
} int main()
char a[][] = {"abc", "bcd", "bddaaa", "ddcd", "ddd", "ddd", "ddd", "ddd", "xxx", "xxxx"};
char v[] = "dddd";
int last = sizeof(a) / (sizeof(char) * );
int index = bisearch(a, , last-, v);
printf("index of v is %d\n", index); return ;




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