What is libmv?

libmv, also known as the Library for Multiview Reconstruction (or LMV), is the computer vision backend for Blender's motion tracking abilities. Unlike other vision libraries with general ambitions, libmv is focused on algorithms for match moving, specifically targeting Blender as the primary customer. Dense reconstruction, reconstruction from unorganized photo collections, image recognition, and other tasks are not a focus of libmv.

libmv也称为多视图重建库(LMV),是Blender运动跟踪能力的计算机视觉后端。 与其他具有普遍雄心的视觉库不同,libmv专注于匹配移动的算法,特别是针对Blender作为主要客户。 密集重建,无组织照片集重建,图像识别和其他任务不是libmv的重点。



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