Android Sqlite 实例入门
首先设计三个表,学生,课程,选课。学生表存储学生的信息,课程表存储课程的信息,选课表存储学生已经选择的课程。建表的语句可以通过SQLite Expert这个软件来测试。
在Sqlite Expert中新建一个数据库
create table if not exists Students(id integer primary key, name text not null) create table if not exists Subjects(id integer primary key, name text not null) create table if not exists Subject_Select(id integer primary key unique, student_id integer references Students(id), subject_id integer references Subjects(id), unique_check text unique not null)
public class TestSqlite { private static TestSqlite mInstance; public static TestSqlite Instance() { return TestSqlite.mInstance; } private final SQLiteDatabase mDatabase; protected TestSqlite(Context context) { TestSqlite.mInstance = this; mDatabase = context.openOrCreateDatabase("select.db", Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null); migrate(); } private void migrate() { final int version = mDatabase.getVersion(); final int currentVersion = 1; if (version >= currentVersion) { return; } mDatabase.beginTransaction(); switch (version) { case 0: createTables(); break; } mDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); mDatabase.setVersion(currentVersion); mDatabase.endTransaction(); // 整理数据库 mDatabase.execSQL("VACUUM"); } private void createTables() { mDatabase.execSQL("create table if not exists Students(id integer primary key, name text not null)"); mDatabase.execSQL("create table if not exists Subjects(id integer primary key, name text not null)"); mDatabase.execSQL("create table if not exists Subject_Select(id integer primary key, " + "student_id integer references Students(id), " + "subject_id integer references Subjects(id)," + "unique_check text unique not null)"); } }
public class TestApplication extends Application { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); new TestSqlite(getApplicationContext()); } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" package="com.example.testsqlite" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" > <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" android:targetSdkVersion="8" tools:ignore="OldTargetApi" /> <application android:name="com.example.database.TestApplication" android:allowBackup="true" android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" android:theme="@style/AppTheme" > <activity android:name="com.example.testsqlite.MainActivity" android:label="@string/app_name" > <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> </activity> </application> </manifest>
private SQLiteStatement mInsertStudentInfoStatement; public long insertStudentInfo(long id, String name) { if (name == null) { return -1; } if (mInsertStudentInfoStatement == null) { mInsertStudentInfoStatement = mDatabase.compileStatement("insert or ignore into Students values (?,?)"); } mInsertStudentInfoStatement.bindLong(1, id); mInsertStudentInfoStatement.bindString(2, name); return mInsertStudentInfoStatement.executeInsert(); } private SQLiteStatement mInsertSubjectInfoStatement; public long insertSubjectInfo(long id, String name) { if (name == null) { return -1; } if (mInsertSubjectInfoStatement == null) { mInsertSubjectInfoStatement = mDatabase.compileStatement("insert or ignore into Subjects values (?,?)"); } mInsertSubjectInfoStatement.bindLong(1, id); mInsertSubjectInfoStatement.bindString(2, name); return mInsertSubjectInfoStatement.executeInsert(); }
private SQLiteStatement mInsertSubjectSelectStatement; public long insertSubjectSelectInfo(long student_id, long subject_id) { if (mInsertSubjectSelectStatement == null) { mInsertSubjectSelectStatement = mDatabase .compileStatement("insert or ignore into Subject_Select(student_id, subject_id, unique_check) values (?,?,?)"); } String uniqueCheck = student_id + "_" + subject_id; mInsertSubjectSelectStatement.bindLong(1, student_id); mInsertSubjectSelectStatement.bindLong(2, subject_id); mInsertSubjectSelectStatement.bindString(3, uniqueCheck); return mInsertSubjectSelectStatement.executeInsert(); }
public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); TestSqlite.Instance().insertStudentInfo(1, "小明"); TestSqlite.Instance().insertStudentInfo(2, "小白"); TestSqlite.Instance().insertSubjectInfo(1, "数学"); TestSqlite.Instance().insertSubjectInfo(2, "语文"); TestSqlite.Instance().insertSubjectInfo(3, "英语"); TestSqlite.Instance().insertSubjectInfo(4, "物理"); TestSqlite.Instance().insertSubjectInfo(5, "化学"); TestSqlite.Instance().insertSubjectSelectInfo(1, 1); TestSqlite.Instance().insertSubjectSelectInfo(1, 3); TestSqlite.Instance().insertSubjectSelectInfo(1, 4); TestSqlite.Instance().insertSubjectSelectInfo(2, 2); TestSqlite.Instance().insertSubjectSelectInfo(2, 4); TestSqlite.Instance().insertSubjectSelectInfo(2, 5); } }
public List<String> getSelectSubjectNameByStudentId(long id) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] args = new String[] { id + "" }; Cursor cursor = mDatabase.rawQuery("select from subjects,subject_select " + "where subject_select.student_id = ? " + "and subject_select.subject_id =", args); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { list.add(cursor.getString(0)); } return list; }
Cursor cursor2 = mDatabase.rawQuery("select name from Students where id = " + id, null);
Cursor cursor2 = mDatabase.rawQuery("select name from Students where id = ?", new String[] { id + "" });
一般情况下,这两种写法效果是一样的,但是第二种方法的优点是不用考虑转义字符,像 \%$&/" 这样的字符串直接就可以使用,而第一种方法要考虑进行转义,否则不能正常进行识别。
List<String> list = TestSqlite.Instance().getSelectSubjectNameByStudentId(1); for (String item : list) { Log.i(getClass().getName(), item); }
alter table Subject_Select rename to Subject_Select_Obsolete
create table Subject_Select(id integer primary key, student_id integer references Students(id), subject_id integer references Subjects(id),unique_check text unique not null, score real)
insert into Subject_Select (id,student_id,subject_id,unique_check) select id,student_id,subject_id,unique_check from Subject_Select_Obsolete
drop table Subject_Select_Obsolete
private void migrate() { final int version = mDatabase.getVersion(); final int currentVersion = 2; if (version >= currentVersion) { return; } mDatabase.beginTransaction(); switch (version) { case 0: { createTables(); break; } case 1: { updateTaples1(); break; } default: break; } mDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); mDatabase.setVersion(currentVersion); mDatabase.endTransaction(); // 整理数据库 mDatabase.execSQL("VACUUM"); }
private void updateTaples1() { mDatabase.execSQL("alter table Subject_Select rename to Subject_Select_Obsolete"); mDatabase.execSQL("create table Subject_Select(id integer primary key, student_id integer references Students(id), subject_id integer references Subjects(id),unique_check text unique not null, score real)"); mDatabase.execSQL("insert into Subject_Select (id,student_id,subject_id,unique_check) select id,student_id,subject_id,unique_check from Subject_Select_Obsolete"); mDatabase.execSQL("drop table Subject_Select_Obsolete"); }
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