Failed to deploy artifacts from/to snapshots XX Failed to transfer file Return code is: 405, ReasonPhrase:Method Not Allowed.



  1. <server>
  2. <id>releases</id>
  3. <username>admin</username>
  4. <password>admin123</password>
  5. </server>
  6. <server>
  7. <id>snapshots</id>
  8. <username>admin</username>
  9. <password>admin123</password>
  10. </server>
  11. </servers>


    1. <!-- 配置远程发布到私服,mvn deploy -->
    2. <distributionManagement>
    3. <repository>
    4. <id>releases</id>
    5. <name>Nexus Release Repository</name>
    6. <url></url>
    7. </repository>
    8. <snapshotRepository>
    9. <id>snapshots</id>
    10. <name>Nexus Snapshot Repository</name>
    11. <url></url>
    12. </snapshotRepository>
    13. </distributionManagement>

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