[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'LresultFromObject' referenced from D:\PROGRAM FILES\EMBARCADERO\RAD STUDIO\7.0\LIB\RELEASE\VCLACTNBAND.LIB|ActnMenus

Release  运行报错,不知如何解决???????????????


经过数小时的坚持不懈,问题解决,ok,兴奋和幸福感 油然而生! 20140510




[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'LresultFromObject' referenced from D:\PROGRAM FILES\EMBARCADERO\RAD STUDIO\7.0\LIB\RELEASE\VCLACTNBAND.LIB|ActnMenus

After spending some time searching for a solution, I came upon a post on Embarcadero’s own forum, that became the solution to my compilation problems.

A forum user wrote that all I had to do was add a pragma link to “oleacc.lib” at the top of my code and that should allow RAD Studio to compile without any further problems.

Instead of adding a pragma link, I just added the library link using “Project>Add to Project” and pointed towards “oleacc.lib” located at “C:Program Files (x86)EmbarcaderoRAD Studio7.0libpsdkoleacc.lib” on my computer.【oleacc.lib  在 ..\7.0\LIB\pdsk 中】

That’s it. I was able to compile after I added “oleacc.lib” to my project.Thank God.

The path to “oleacc.lib” could be different on your machine, so make sure you point RAD Studio to the correct location.

Til next time, wassalam.

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