using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; public class Loading : MonoBehaviour
public bool m_IsReset;
public GameObject[] m_CurBgs;
private UI_ViewDur m_Progress;
void Start()
if (m_IsReset)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurLoadingBg", );
} m_Progress = GetComponent<UI_ViewDur>();
int curBgIndex = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("CurLoadingBg");
int index1 = curBgIndex, index2 = curBgIndex, index3 = curBgIndex;
bool b1 = false, b2 = false, b3 = false; Debug.Log("当前Idengx" + curBgIndex);
if (curBgIndex != )
switch (curBgIndex)
case :
b1 = false;
b2 = true;
b3 = false;
index1 -= ;
index2 += ;
index3 += ;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurLoadingBg", index2+);//
case :
b1 = false;
b2 = false;
b3 = true;
index1 -= ;
index2 += -;
index3 += ;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurLoadingBg", index3+);//
case :
b1 = true;
b2 = false;
b3 = false;
index1 -= ;
index2 += -;
index3 += -;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurLoadingBg", index1+);//
for (int i = ; i < m_CurBgs.Length + ; i++)
if (m_CurBgs[i - ].activeSelf)
Debug.Log("当前CurLoadingBg=" + i);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurLoadingBg", i);
public AsyncOperation async;
IEnumerator LoadLevel()
//async = Application.LoadLevelAsync(Global.s_Instance.CurLoadSceneName);
async = Application.LoadLevelAsync("moou");
yield return async;
public int progress = ;
public float m_Var = ;
void Update()
if (Random.RandomRange(, ) == )
m_Var += Random.RandomRange(0f, 0.06f);
} m_Progress.ViewBlood(m_Var);
//m_Progress.ViewBlood(async.progress + 0.1f);
if (m_Var >= 1f)
Debug.Log("GIC: " + Global.s_Instance.CurLoadSceneName);
//m_Progress.value = async.progress + 0.1f;
// progress = (int)(async.progress * 100);


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