Hello! I have a problem.
I have a DataBand, but I need it to grow only up to 14 lines. If it is beyond the 14 lines should skip to the next page.
My report may have a maximum of 14 items per page in DataBand.
How do I do that?


As a way, you can use the additional code in BeforePrint event:
if (Line > 14) Engine.NewPage();

Thank you.

Thank You.

your code solved my problem. I had to make a change. Because he was printing up to 14 lines on the first page, but from line 15 showed one line on each page and I actually needed 14 lines per page. Then I did it here

if (PageNumber == 1 && Line == 15){
} else

if (PageNumber == 2 && Line == 30){ 
} else

if (PageNumber == 3 && Line == 45){ 
} else

if (PageNumber == 4 && Line == 60){ 
} else

if (PageNumber == 5 && Line == 75){ 
} else

if (PageNumber == 6 && Line == 90){ 
} else

if (PageNumber == 7 && Line == 105){ 
} else

if (PageNumber == 8 && Line == 120){ 
} else

if (PageNumber == 9 && Line == 135){ 
} else

if (PageNumber == 10 && Line == 150){ 


Please try to use the following condition:
if (Line % 15 == 0) Engine.NewPage();

Thank you.

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