#pragma warning(disable:4996)
using namespace std;
//template<typename t> class alloc
// alloc():a(),s(){ //成员变量默认初始化
// }
// t* allocate(size_t n){
// return a.allocate(n);
// }
//template<typename...Args> void construct(t* p, const Args&{
// a.construct(p,rest... );
// }
// void deallocate(t* p, size_t n)
// {
// a.deallocate(p, n);
// }
// void destory(t* p)
// {
// a.destory(p);
// }
// allocator<t> a;
// string s;
template<typename T, class Allocator = std::allocator<T> >
class Vector{
T* start;
T* finish;
T* end_of_storage;
size_t length;
size_t capacity;
typedef T* iterator;
typedef const T* const_iterator;
end_of_storage = NULL;
length = ;
capacity = ;
Vector(const std::initializer_list<T> &lst)
for (auto it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end();it++)
} }
Vector(size_t n, const T&value = T()){
Allocator a;
T*p = NULL;
if (n <= ){ p = a.allocate();
capacity = ;
else {
p = a.allocate(static_cast<int>(1.5 * n));
capacity = static_cast<size_t>(1.5*n);
start = p;
finish=uninitialized_fill_n(p, n, value);
if (n <= ) end_of_storage = start + ;
else end_of_storage = p + static_cast<int>(1.5*n)-;
length = n;
/*Vector(size_t n, const T&value){ Vector(n, value); }*/
Vector(const Vector& rhs){
capacity = rhs.capacity;
length = rhs.length;
Allocator a;
end_of_storage = start + capacity - ;
finish = start + length ; for (T* p = start,*q = rhs.start; p != finish; p++, q++){
a.construct(p, *q);
void push_back(const T& value){
if (capacity == ){ //为空容器时需要申请新空间
Allocator a;
start = a.allocate();
a.construct(start, value);
finish = start + ;
end_of_storage = start + ;
length = ;
capacity = ;
else if (length < capacity){
Allocator a;
a.construct(finish++, value);
length += ;
else { //空间不足时1.5倍扩大空间
Allocator a;
auto old_capacity = capacity;
auto new_start = a.allocate(static_cast<size_t>(1.5*capacity));
auto new_finish = uninitialized_copy(this->begin(), this->begin()+length, new_start); //没有使用迭代器形式
new_finish = uninitialized_fill_n(new_finish, , value);
capacity = static_cast<size_t>(1.5*capacity);
length += ; auto temp = start;
while (temp != finish)
a.deallocate(start, old_capacity);
start = new_start;
finish = new_finish;
end_of_storage = start + capacity - ;
void pop_back(){//弹出的意义是不在含有该对象
Allocator a;
a.destroy(--finish); //finish指向尾后位置,自减后销毁了对象,不存在了
length -= ; }
iterator insert(const_iterator position, const T&value);
T& operator[](size_t n){return *(start + n); } //如果index out of bound or Vector为空 ,让用户自己去处理
const T& operator[](size_t n)const { return *(start + n); }
T& front(){ return *start; }
const T&front()const{ return *start; }
T& back(){ return *(finish-); }
const T&back()const{ return *(finish - ); }
size_t size(){ return length; }
size_t volume(){ return capacity; }
iterator begin(){ return start; }
const_iterator cbegin()const { return start; }
iterator end(){ return finish; }
const_iterator cend(){ return finish; }
Vector& operator=(const Vector&rhs){
if (this->start ==rhs.start) return *this; //两个相等,两个相同
auto old_start = this->start;
auto old_finish = this->finish;
size_t old_capacity = this->capacity;
capacity = rhs.capacity;
length = rhs.length;
Allocator a;
start = a.allocate(capacity);
end_of_storage = start + capacity - ;
finish = start + length; for (T* p = start, *q = rhs.start; p != finish; p++, q++){
a.construct(p, *q);
Allocator b;//是需要重新创建b,还是用前面的a就可以完成下面的动作
T* p = old_start;
while (p!=old_finish)
b.deallocate(old_start, old_capacity);
return *this; };
Allocator a;
T* p = start;
while (p!= finish)
a.deallocate(start, capacity);
start = finish = end_of_storage = NULL; //是否多余语句
cout << " dectr completed";
} };
template<typename T>
class demo{
T size();
T d;
class foo{
foo() :a(), s("dka"){}
int a; string s; }; int main()
Vector<string> v1;
cout << v1.volume() << " " << v1.size() << "\n";
Vector<string> v2();//10个空串,调用了string的default ctr
cout << v2.size() << " " << v2.volume() << endl;
cout << "the first item of v2: " << v2[] << " or " << v2.front() << endl;
//Vector<string> v3(10, 'c'); no instance of parameters (int,char)
Vector<string> v4(, "c");
Vector<string> v5(v4);
cout << v5.back() << " " << v5.size() << v5.volume() << endl;
v5 = v1;
for (auto it = v5.begin(); it!= v5.end();it++)
cout << *it;
/*cout << v5[0] << endl;*/ Vector<string> v6(v1); //用空vector初始化另一个vector ;这两个vector都应该表现正常
for (auto it = v6.cbegin(); it != v6.cend();it++)
cout << *it << endl;
v1 = v4;//v1原本为空,用含10个元素的v4赋值,并用push_back添加尾元素
for (auto x : v1) cout << x << endl;
cout << v1.size() << v1[] << endl;
cout << v1.back() << endl;
string s;
Vector<int> iv();
for (auto y:iv)
printf("%d", y);
Vector<string> v7={ "dak", "dj" };
cout << v7.volume() << " " << v7.size() << v7[] << " " << v7[] << endl; }
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