
this is a test of the test script
this is the second test of the trial script


this is line number 1.
this is line number 2
this is line number 3
this is line number 4

1.sed s 替换命令

 --sed '' data4.txt --每行的第二个

this is a test of the train script
 this is the second test of the trial script

 --sed 's/test/train/g' data4.txt--替换所有

this is a train of the train script

 this is the second train of the trial script

--sed -n 's/test/train/p' data4.txt--替换每行的第一个

this is a train of the test script
this is the second train of the trial script

--sed 's/test/train/w sed_test.txt' data4.txt --替换每行的第一个,输出到sed_test.txt文件

this is a train of the test script
this is the second train of the trial script

2. sed c 替换某一行

sed '3c\this is line changed' data6.txt

this is line number 1.
this is line number 2
this is line changed
this is line number 4

3. sed y 映射替换

--sed 'y/123/789/' data6.txt

this is line number 7.
this is line number 8
this is line number 9
this is line number 4

4. sed d 删除命令

--sed '3d' data6.txt--删除第3行

this is line number 1.
this is line number 2
this is line number 4

--sed '2,3d' data6.txt --删除2,3行

this is line number 1.
this is line number 4

--sed '/1/,/3/d' data6.txt --删除1至3行

this is line number 4

5. sed i 指定行的前面插入一行

  --sed '3i\this is line number 5' data6.txt

this is line number 1.
this is line number 2
this is line number 5
this is line number 3
this is line number 4

--sed '3i\this is line number 6 \n this is line number 5' data6.txt

this is line number 1.
this is line number 2
this is line number 6
this is line number 5
this is line number 3
this is line number 4

6. sed a 在指定行的后面插入一行

  --sed '3a\this is line number 6' data6.txt

this is line number 1.
this is line number 2
this is line number 3
this is line number 6
this is line number 4

7.sed r 将文件插入到指定位置

--sed '3r data12.txt' data6.txt

this is line number 1.
this is line number 2
this is line number 3
this is an add line
this is line number 4

--sed '$r data12.txt' data6.txt --将文件插入末尾

this is line number 1.
this is line number 2
this is line number 3
this is line number 4
this is an add line

8. sed w 写入文件

sed '1,2w test_sed.txt' data6.txt--将1,2行写入test_sed.txt文件

this is line number 1.
this is line number 2


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