What is the difference between HTTP_CLIENT_IP and HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR?

it is impossible to say. Different proxies may implement these, or may not. The implementations may vary from one proxy to the next, and they may not. A lack of a standard breeds question marks.

Why would one have different values than the other?

See point 1. However, from a purely practical point of view, the only reason I can see for these having different values is if more than one proxy was involved - the X-Forwarded-For: header might then contain a complete track of the forwarding chain, whereas the Client-IP: header would contain the actual client IP. This is pure speculation, however.

Where can I find resources on the exact definition of these headers.

Where can I find resources on the exact definition of these headers. - You can't. See point 1.

There does seem to be some kind of de-facto standard regarding the X-Forwarded-For: header, but given that there is no RFC that defines it this cannot be relied upon see comment below.

As a side note, the Client-IP: header should by convention be X-Client-IP: since it is a 'user-defined' header.

What is the difference between HTTP_CLIENT_IP and HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR的更多相关文章


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    午睡一觉醒来,突然想伪造IP地址.搜了一下,Mark. 源地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/lmule/archive/2010/10/15/1852020.html ------- ...


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    REMOTE_ADDR 是你的客户端跟你的服务器“握手”时候的IP.如果使用了“匿名代理”,REMOTE_ADDR将显示代理服务器的IP. HTTP_CLIENT_IP 是代理服务器发送的HTTP头. ...


    转载自:http://www.cnblogs.com/lmule/archive/2010/10/15/1852020.html 看ecshop的lib_base.php的时候里面获取客户端真实ip的 ...


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    REMOTE_ADDR 是你的客户端跟你的服务器"握手"时候的IP.如果使用了"匿名代理",REMOTE_ADDR将显示代理服务器的IP. HTTP_CLIEN ...

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