

遇到这种闪退,一般在Application output中输出错误如下:

    0x01e394ac monoeg_g_log + 208 6 TrackAboutIOS
0x01d11664 get_numerous_trampoline + 160 7 TrackAboutIOS
Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

而且这种错误是随机的,有时候正常运行,有时候不正常,在上文输出错误内容里我们看到trampoline这个单词,而第一句monoeg_g_log 这句话是说系统在尝试记录错误到错误日志,基于这种情况下,我们可以判定这是mono的默认蹦床(trampoline)数小于了你应用需要的蹦床数。

关于蹦床数的解释,这里Rolf Bjarne Kvinge给了相应的解释:相应链接

On device we generate all the necessary code at build time in a process known as Ahead of Time compilation (similar to Microsoft's ngen), because we're not allowed to jit code on devices. Unfortunately there are a few things that cannot be determined statically - for instance generic interfaces might need different vtables depending on which type the interface is instantiated with. (For this case it is technically possible to determine the maximum number of vtables, but the number would be potentially enormous - multiply the number of generic interfaces times the number of types in your app...). We cannot allocate memory for these vtables dynamically at runtime, so we've picked a reasonable default and allow the user to increase this value if they run into issues. This is the basic theory for the trampolines (the exact problem is a bit different, depending on the type of trampolines, but that's not really important).

So you can add as many trampolines as you want, but memory usage will increase. That's also all there is to it: the app will not get slower (unless if the increased memory usage causes it to run slower, due to out-of-memory warnings, etc). It also means that you only have to increase the number of trampolines of the type you're actually having problems with, if you increase the others you'll increase the size of your executable needlessly.



所以你可以按你的需要尽可能的增加蹦床数,但是内存的使用会增加。 应用一般不会变慢(除非内存的使用增多导致了内存不足,从而引起运行变慢)。这也同时意味着你只仅仅需要增加发生问题那块对应的蹦床类型的数目。如果你增加了其他蹦床类型的数目,你也会不必要的增多了执行的体积。


打开xamarin studio ,在项目文件上右键option,展开下图,在arguments参数的地方,输入:-aot "nrgctx-trampolines=4096" -aot "nimt-trampolines=4096" -aot "ntrampolines=4096"


我们在上面看到了-aot "nrgctx-trampolines=4096" -aot "nimt-trampolines=4096" -aot "ntrampolines=4096"这几个输入参数,那这几个参数相对应的意思是什么呢?


Ran out of trampolines of type 0
If you get this message while running device, You can create more type 0 trampolines (type SPECIFIC) by modifying your project options "iPhone Build" section. You want to add extra arguments for the Device build targets: -aot "ntrampolines=2048" The default number of trampolines is 1024. Try increasing this number until you have enough for your application. Ran out of trampolines of type 1
If you make heavy use of recursive generics, you may get this message on device. You can create more type 1 trampolines (type RGCTX) by modifying your project options "iPhone Build" section. You want to add extra arguments for the Device build targets: -aot "nrgctx-trampolines=2048" The default number of trampolines is 1024. Try increasing this number until you have enough for your usage of generics. Ran out of trampolines of type 2
If you make heavy use interfaces, you may get this message on device. You can create more type 2 trampolines (type IMT Thunks) by modifying your project options "iPhone Build" section. You want to add extra arguments for the Device build targets: -aot "nimt-trampolines=512" The default number of IMT Thunk trampolines is 128. Try increasing this number until you have enough for your usage of interfaces.


Ran out of trampolines of type 0 
如果你再运行时,输出这个错误,你可以在项目option--iphone build处添加额外的参数-aot "ntrampolines=2048" 
Ran out of trampolines of type 1 
如果你使用了过多的泛型嵌套,如List<T>中还有List<T>成员,你可以同上通过添加额外的参数-aot "nrgctx-trampolines=2048" 来解决。
Ran out of trampolines of type 2 
如果你界面操作频繁,你可以通过添加额外的参数-aot "nimt-trampolines=512" 来解决。

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