snow 255 250 250 #fffafa
ghostwhite 248 248 255 #f8f8ff
whitesmoke 245 245 245 #f5f5f5
gainsboro 220 220 220 #dcdcdc
floralwhite 255 250 240 #fffaf0
oldlace 253 245 230 #fdf5e6
linen 250 240 230 #faf0e6
antiquewhite 250 235 215 #faebd7
papayawhip 255 239 213 #ffefd5
blanchedalmond 255 235 205 #ffebcd
bisque 255 228 196 #ffe4c4
peachpuff 255 218 185 #ffdab9
navajowhite 255 222 173 #ffdead
moccasin 255 228 181 #ffe4b5
cornsilk 255 248 220 #fff8dc
ivory 255 255 240 #fffff0
lemonchiffon 255 250 205 #fffacd
seashell 255 245 238 #fff5ee
honeydew 240 255 240 #f0fff0
mintcream 245 255 250 #f5fffa
azure 240 255 255 #f0ffff
aliceblue 240 248 255 #f0f8ff
lavender 230 230 250 #e6e6fa
lavenderblush 255 240 245 #fff0f5
mistyrose 255 228 225 #ffe4e1
white 255 255 255 #ffffff
black 0 0 0 #000000
darkslategray 47 79 79 #2f4f4f
dimgrey 105 105 105 #696969
slategrey 112 128 144 #708090
lightslategray 119 136 153 #778899
grey 190 190 190 #bebebe
lightgray 211 211 211 #d3d3d3
midnightblue 25 25 112 #191970
navyblue 0 0 128 #000080
cornflowerblue 100 149 237 #6495ed
darkslateblue 72 61 139 #483d8b
slateblue 106 90 205 #6a5acd
mediumslateblue 123 104 238 #7b68ee
lightslateblue 132 112 255 #8470ff
mediumblue 0 0 205 #0000cd
royalblue 65 105 225 #4169e1
blue 0 0 255 #0000ff
dodgerblue 30 144 255 #1e90ff
deepskyblue 0 191 255 #00bfff
skyblue 135 206 235 #87ceeb
lightskyblue 135 206 250 #87cefa
steelblue 70 130 180 #4682b4
lightsteelblue 176 196 222 #b0c4de
lightblue 173 216 230 #add8e6
powderblue 176 224 230 #b0e0e6
paleturquoise 175 238 238 #afeeee
darkturquoise 0 206 209 #00ced1
mediumturquoise 72 209 204 #48d1cc
turquoise 64 224 208 #40e0d0
cyan 0 255 255 #00ffff
lightcyan 224 255 255 #e0ffff
cadetblue 95 158 160 #5f9ea0
mediumaquamarine 102 205 170 #66cdaa
aquamarine 127 255 212 #7fffd4
darkgreen 0 100 0 #006400
darkolivegreen 85 107 47 #556b2f
darkseagreen 143 188 143 #8fbc8f
seagreen 46 139 87 #2e8b57
mediumseagreen 60 179 113 #3cb371
lightseagreen 32 178 170 #20b2aa
palegreen 152 251 152 #98fb98
springgreen 0 255 127 #00ff7f
lawngreen 124 252 0 #7cfc00
green 0 255 0 #00ff00
chartreuse 127 255 0 #7fff00
medspringgreen 0 250 154 #00fa9a
greenyellow 173 255 47 #adff2f
limegreen 50 205 50 #32cd32
yellowgreen 154 205 50 #9acd32
forestgreen 34 139 34 #228b22
olivedrab 107 142 35 #6b8e23
darkkhaki 189 183 107 #bdb76b
palegoldenrod 238 232 170 #eee8aa
ltgoldenrodyello 250 250 210 #fafad2
lightyellow 255 255 224 #ffffe0
yellow 255 255 0 #ffff00
gold 255 215 0 #ffd700
lightgoldenrod 238 221 130 #eedd82
goldenrod 218 165 32 #daa520
darkgoldenrod 184 134 11 #b8860b
rosybrown 188 143 143 #bc8f8f
indianred 205 92 92 #cd5c5c
saddlebrown 139 69 19 #8b4513
sienna 160 82 45 #a0522d
peru 205 133 63 #cd853f
burlywood 222 184 135 #deb887
beige 245 245 220 #f5f5dc
wheat 245 222 179 #f5deb3
sandybrown 244 164 96 #f4a460
tan 210 180 140 #d2b48c
chocolate 210 105 30 #d2691e
firebrick 178 34 34 #b22222
brown 165 42 42 #a52a2a
darksalmon 233 150 122 #e9967a
salmon 250 128 114 #fa8072
lightsalmon 255 160 122 #ffa07a
orange 255 165 0 #ffa500
darkorange 255 140 0 #ff8c00
coral 255 127 80 #ff7f50
lightcoral 240 128 128 #f08080
tomato 255 99 71 #ff6347
orangered 255 69 0 #ff4500
red 255 0 0 #ff0000
hotpink 255 105 180 #ff69b4
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pink 255 192 203 #ffc0cb
lightpink 255 182 193 #ffb6c1
palevioletred 219 112 147 #db7093
maroon 176 48 96 #b03060
mediumvioletred 199 21 133 #c71585
violetred 208 32 144 #d02090
magenta 255 0 255 #ff00ff
violet 238 130 238 #ee82ee
plum 221 160 221 #dda0dd
orchid 218 112 214 #da70d6
mediumorchid 186 85 211 #ba55d3
darkorchid 153 50 204 #9932cc
darkviolet 148 0 211 #9400d3
blueviolet 138 43 226 #8a2be2
purple 160 32 240 #a020f0
mediumpurple 147 112 219 #9370db
thistle 216 191 216 #d8bfd8
snow1 255 250 250 #fffafa
snow2 238 233 233 #eee9e9
snow3 205 201 201 #cdc9c9
snow4 139 137 137 #8b8989
seashell1 255 245 238 #fff5ee
seashell2 238 229 222 #eee5de
seashell3 205 197 191 #cdc5bf
seashell4 139 134 130 #8b8682
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antiquewhite2 238 223 204 #eedfcc
antiquewhite3 205 192 176 #cdc0b0
antiquewhite4 139 131 120 #8b8378
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bisque2 238 213 183 #eed5b7
bisque3 205 183 158 #cdb79e
bisque4 139 125 107 #8b7d6b
peachpuff1 255 218 185 #ffdab9
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peachpuff3 205 175 149 #cdaf95
peachpuff4 139 119 101 #8b7765
navajowhite1 255 222 173 #ffdead
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navajowhite4 139 121 94 #8b795e
lemonchiffon1 255 250 205 #fffacd
lemonchiffon2 238 233 191 #eee9bf
lemonchiffon3 205 201 165 #cdc9a5
lemonchiffon4 139 137 112 #8b8970
cornsilk1 255 248 220 #fff8dc
cornsilk2 238 232 205 #eee8cd
cornsilk3 205 200 177 #cdc8b1
cornsilk4 139 136 120 #8b8878
ivory1 255 255 240 #fffff0
ivory2 238 238 224 #eeeee0
ivory3 205 205 193 #cdcdc1
ivory4 139 139 131 #8b8b83
honeydew1 240 255 240 #f0fff0
honeydew2 224 238 224 #e0eee0
honeydew3 193 205 193 #c1cdc1
honeydew4 131 139 131 #838b83
lavenderblush1 255 240 245 #fff0f5
lavenderblush2 238 224 229 #eee0e5
lavenderblush3 205 193 197 #cdc1c5
lavenderblush4 139 131 134 #8b8386
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mistyrose3 205 183 181 #cdb7b5
mistyrose4 139 125 123 #8b7d7b
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azure2 224 238 238 #e0eeee
azure3 193 205 205 #c1cdcd
azure4 131 139 139 #838b8b
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slateblue3 105 89 205 #6959cd
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royalblue1 72 118 255 #4876ff
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royalblue3 58 95 205 #3a5fcd
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blue2 0 0 238 #0000ee
blue3 0 0 205 #0000cd
blue4 0 0 139 #00008b
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dodgerblue3 24 116 205 #1874cd
dodgerblue4 16 78 139 #104e8b
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steelblue3 79 148 205 #4f94cd
steelblue4 54 100 139 #36648b
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skyblue2 126 192 238 #7ec0ee
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skyblue4 74 112 139 #4a708b
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lightskyblue4 96 123 139 #607b8b
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lightblue2 178 223 238 #b2dfee
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cyan3 0 205 205 #00cdcd
cyan4 0 139 139 #008b8b
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palegreen2 144 238 144 #90ee90
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palegreen4 84 139 84 #548b54
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green3 0 205 0 #00cd00
green4 0 139 0 #008b00
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chartreuse3 102 205 0 #66cd00
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olivedrab2 179 238 58 #b3ee3a
olivedrab3 154 205 50 #9acd32
olivedrab4 105 139 34 #698b22
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darkolivegreen2 188 238 104 #bcee68
darkolivegreen3 162 205 90 #a2cd5a
darkolivegreen4 110 139 61 #6e8b3d
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khaki2 238 230 133 #eee685
khaki3 205 198 115 #cdc673
khaki4 139 134 78 #8b864e
lightgoldenrod1 255 236 139 #ffec8b
lightgoldenrod2 238 220 130 #eedc82
lightgoldenrod3 205 190 112 #cdbe70
lightgoldenrod4 139 129 76 #8b814c
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lightyellow3 205 205 180 #cdcdb4
lightyellow4 139 139 122 #8b8b7a
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yellow2 238 238 0 #eeee00
yellow3 205 205 0 #cdcd00
yellow4 139 139 0 #8b8b00
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gold2 238 201 0 #eec900
gold3 205 173 0 #cdad00
gold4 139 117 0 #8b7500
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goldenrod2 238 180 34 #eeb422
goldenrod3 205 155 29 #cd9b1d
goldenrod4 139 105 20 #8b6914
darkgoldenrod1 255 185 15 #ffb90f
darkgoldenrod2 238 173 14 #eead0e
darkgoldenrod3 205 149 12 #cd950c
darkgoldenrod4 139 101 8 #8b658b
rosybrown1 255 193 193 #ffc1c1
rosybrown2 238 180 180 #eeb4b4
rosybrown3 205 155 155 #cd9b9b
rosybrown4 139 105 105 #8b6969
indianred1 255 106 106 #ff6a6a
indianred2 238 99 99 #ee6363
indianred3 205 85 85 #cd5555
indianred4 139 58 58 #8b3a3a
sienna1 255 130 71 #ff8247
sienna2 238 121 66 #ee7942
sienna3 205 104 57 #cd6839
sienna4 139 71 38 #8b4726
burlywood1 255 211 155 #ffd39b
burlywood2 238 197 145 #eec591
burlywood3 205 170 125 #cdaa7d
burlywood4 139 115 85 #8b7355
wheat1 255 231 186 #ffe7ba
wheat2 238 216 174 #eed8ae
wheat3 205 186 150 #cdba96
wheat4 139 126 102 #8b7e66
tan1 255 165 79 #ffa54f
tan2 238 154 73 #ee9a49
tan3 205 133 63 #cd853f
tan4 139 90 43 #8b5a2b
chocolate1 255 127 36 #ff7f24
chocolate2 238 118 33 #ee7621
chocolate3 205 102 29 #cd661d
chocolate4 139 69 19 #8b4513
firebrick1 255 48 48 #ff3030
firebrick2 238 44 44 #ee2c2c
firebrick3 205 38 38 #cd2626
firebrick4 139 26 26 #8b1a1a
brown1 255 64 64 #ff4040
brown2 238 59 59 #ee3b3b
brown3 205 51 51 #cd3333
brown4 139 35 35 #8b2323
salmon1 255 140 105 #ff8c69
salmon2 238 130 98 #ee8262
salmon3 205 112 84 #cd7054
salmon4 139 76 57 #8b4c39
lightsalmon1 255 160 122 #ffa07a
lightsalmon2 238 149 114 #ee9572
lightsalmon3 205 129 98 #cd8162
lightsalmon4 139 87 66 #8b5742
orange1 255 165 0 #ffa500
orange2 238 154 0 #ee9a00
orange3 205 133 0 #cd8500
orange4 139 90 0 #8b5a00
darkorange1 255 127 0 #ff7f00
darkorange2 238 118 0 #ee7600
darkorange3 205 102 0 #cd6600
darkorange4 139 69 0 #8b4500
coral1 255 114 86 #ff7256
coral2 238 106 80 #ee6a50
coral3 205 91 69 #cd5b45
coral4 139 62 47 #8b3e2f
tomato1 255 99 71 #ff6347
tomato2 238 92 66 #ee5c42
tomato3 205 79 57 #cd4f39
tomato4 139 54 38 #8b3626
orangered1 255 69 0 #ff4500
orangered2 238 64 0 #ee4000
orangered3 205 55 0 #cd3700
orangered4 139 37 0 #8b2500
red1 255 0 0 #ff0000
red2 238 0 0 #ee0000
red3 205 0 0 #cd0000
red4 139 0 0 #8b0000
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deeppink2 238 18 137 #ee1289
deeppink3 205 16 118 #cd1076
deeppink4 139 10 80 #8b0a50
hotpink1 255 110 180 #ff6eb4
hotpink2 238 106 167 #ee6aa7
hotpink3 205 96 144 #cd6090
hotpink4 139 58 98 #8b3a62
pink1 255 181 197 #ffb5c5
pink2 238 169 184 #eea9b8
pink3 205 145 158 #cd919e
pink4 139 99 108 #8b636c
lightpink1 255 174 185 #ffaeb9
lightpink2 238 162 173 #eea2ad
lightpink3 205 140 149 #cd8c95
lightpink4 139 95 101 #8b5f65
palevioletred1 255 130 171 #ff82ab
palevioletred2 238 121 159 #ee799f
palevioletred3 205 104 137 #cd6889
palevioletred4 139 71 93 #8b475d
maroon1 255 52 179 #ff34b3
maroon2 238 48 167 #ee30a7
maroon3 205 41 144 #cd2990
maroon4 139 28 98 #8b1c62
violetred1 255 62 150 #ff3e96
violetred2 238 58 140 #ee3a8c
violetred3 205 50 120 #cd3278
violetred4 139 34 82 #8b2252
magenta1 255 0 255 #ff00ff
magenta2 238 0 238 #ee00ee
magenta3 205 0 205 #cd00cd
magenta4 139 0 139 #8b008b
orchid1 255 131 250 #ff83fa
orchid2 238 122 233 #ee7ae9
orchid3 205 105 201 #cd69c9
orchid4 139 71 137 #8b4789
plum1 255 187 255 #ffbbff
plum2 238 174 238 #eeaeee
plum3 205 150 205 #cd96cd
plum4 139 102 139 #8b668b
mediumorchid1 224 102 255 #e066ff
mediumorchid2 209 95 238 #d15fee
mediumorchid3 180 82 205 #b452cd
mediumorchid4 122 55 139 #7a378b
darkorchid1 191 62 255 #bf3eff
darkorchid2 178 58 238 #b23aee
darkorchid3 154 50 205 #9a32cd
darkorchid4 104 34 139 #68228b
purple1 155 48 255 #9b30ff
purple2 145 44 238 #912cee
purple3 125 38 205 #7d26cd
purple4 85 26 139 #551a8b
mediumpurple1 171 130 255 #ab82ff
mediumpurple2 159 121 238 #9f79ee
mediumpurple3 137 104 205 #8968cd
mediumpurple4 93 71 139 #5d478b
thistle1 255 225 255 #ffe1ff
thistle2 238 210 238 #eed2ee
thistle3 205 181 205 #cdb5cd
thistle4 139 123 139 #8b7b8b
grey11 28 28 28 #1c1c1c
grey21 54 54 54 #363636
grey31 79 79 79 #4f4f4f
grey41 105 105 105 #696969
grey51 130 130 130 #828282
grey61 156 156 156 #9c9c9c
grey71 181 181 181 #b5b5b5
gray81 207 207 207 #cfcfcf
gray91 232 232 232 #e8e8e8
darkgrey 169 169 169 #a9a9a9
darkblue 0 0 139 #00008b
darkcyan 0 139 139 #008b8b
darkmagenta 139 0 139 #8b008b
darkred 139 0 0 #8b0000
lightgreen 144 238 144 #90ee90


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