Write a SQL query to get a list of all buildings and the number of open requests (Requests in which status equals 'Open').

-- TABLE Apartments

| AptID | UnitNumber | BuildingID |
| 101 | A1 | 11 |
| 102 | A2 | 12 |
| 103 | A3 | 13 |
| 201 | B1 | 14 |
| 202 | B2 | 15 |

-- TABLE Buildings

| BuildingID | ComplexID | BuildingName | Address |
| 11 | 1 | Eastern Hills | San Diego, CA |
| 12 | 2 | East End | Seattle, WA |
| 13 | 3 | North Park | New York |
| 14 | 4 | South Lake | Orlando, FL |
| 15 | 5 | West Forest | Atlanta, GA |

-- TABLE Tenants

| TenantID | TenantName |
| 1000 | Zhang San |
| 1001 | Li Si |
| 1002 | Wang Wu |
| 1003 | Yang Liu |

-- TABLE Complexes

| ComplexID | ComplexName |
| 1 | Luxuary World |
| 2 | Paradise |
| 3 | Woderland |
| 4 | Dreamland |
| 5 | LostParis |

-- TABLE AptTenants

| TenantID | AptID |
| 1000 | 102 |
| 1001 | 102 |
| 1002 | 101 |
| 1002 | 103 |
| 1002 | 201 |
| 1003 | 202 |

-- TABLE Requests

| RequestID | Status | AptID | Description |
| 50 | Open | 101 | |
| 60 | Closed | 103 | |
| 70 | Closed | 102 | |
| 80 | Open | 201 | |
| 90 | Open | 202 | |

这道题让我们返回所有的building,并标记出来每个building有多少个Open的requests,那么我们首先要计算每个building的Open的request的个数,然后再和Buildings表联合返回对应的BuildingName,因为Requests表里对应的是Apartment和request,而一个Building里可能有很多个Apartment,所以我们先要联合Apartments表和Requests表来计算每个building的Open请求的个数,我们用内交Inner Join来做,通过AptID列来内交Apartments表和Requests表,然后通过BuildingID来群组,并生成一个名为Count的列,然后再用Buildings表和Count列左交,这里需要注意下,如果某个building没有Open请求,那么我们需要返回0,即需要把NULL变为0,在MySQL里面我们用IFNULL函数来做,而SQL Server则用ISNULL,Oracle则用NVL,详细对比可参见这里。参见代码如下:

SELECT BuildingName, IFNULL(Count, 0) AS 'Count' FROM Buildings
(SELECT Apartments.BuildingID, COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM Requests
Apartments ON Requests.AptID = Apartments.AptID
WHERE Requests.Status = 'Open' GROUP BY Apartments.BuildingID) ReqCounts
ON ReqCounts.BuildingID = Buildings.BuildingID;


| BuildingName | Count |
| Eastern Hills | 1 |
| East End | 0 |
| North Park | 0 |
| South Lake | 1 |
| West Forest | 1 |

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