First find the source code.

( - Example search

Once located you must download it (in the case clone with git)

git clone

then go into the directory

cd thc-hydra

then ensure you have the needed dependencies (in the

apt-get install libssl-dev libssh-dev libidn11-dev libpcre3-dev \
libgtk2.0-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpq-dev libsvn-dev \
firebird2.1-dev libncp-dev

Then you want to compile and install so:

apt-get purge hydra hydra-gtk #Get rid of old install
./configure --help #Get config options

Sample output

--prefix=path path to install hydra and its datafiles to
--fhs install according to the File System Hierarchy Standard
--with-oracle=prefix prefix for oracle include dir
--with-oracle-lib=prefix prefix for oracle lib dir
--with-ssl=prefix prefix for SSL headers
--with-ssl-lib=prefix prefix for SSL libraries
--disable-xhydra disable compilation of hydra GUI
--nostrip do not per default strip binaries before install
--debug show debug output to trace errors
--help this her

So therefore do ./configure #It should autodetect SSL, and you can check in the output else ./configure --with-ssl=SSL LOCATION --with-ssl-lib=SSL LIB LOCATION then make make install

This is the general way of compiling a program from source, and you should learn how these steps work for future use.

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