# -*- coding: utf-8-*- #
import sys
import os
import io
import json
sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') def unicode_convert(input):
if isinstance(input, dict):
return {unicode_convert(key): unicode_convert(value) for key, value in input.iteritems()}
elif isinstance(input, list):
return [unicode_convert(element) for element in input]
elif isinstance(input, unicode):
return input.encode('utf-8')
return input filter=["Dm.log.wf"] #设置过滤后的文件类型 当然可以设置多个类型 def all_path(dirname): result = []#所有的文件 for maindir, subdir, file_name_list in os.walk(dirname): # print("1:",maindir) #当前主目录
# print("2:",subdir) #当前主目录下的所有目录
# print("3:",file_name_list) #当前主目录下的所有文件 for filename in file_name_list:
apath = os.path.join(maindir, filename)#合并成一个完整路径
ext = os.path.splitext(apath)[0] # 获取文件后缀 [0]获取的是除了文件名以外的内容
ext = ext.split('/')
ext = ext[5] if ext in filter:
result.append(apath) return result if __name__ == "__main__":
print sys.getdefaultencoding()
result = all_path("/home/work/yangq/dm_analysis")
for file_log in result:
print "*****************************************"
print file_log
f = open(file_log, "r")
f_new = open("/home/work/yangq/dm_analysis/result", "a+")
f_new_error = open("/home/work/yangq/dm_analysis/error", "a+")
haproxy_list = f.readlines()
f_new.write(file_log + "\n")
f_new.write("###################################################################" + "\n")
f_new_error.write(file_log + "\n")
f_new_error.write("###################################################################" + "\n")
for line in haproxy_list:
if dm_statistics in line:
#print sys._getframe().f_lineno
#print line
strlist = line.split('dm_statistics: ')
sss = strlist[1]
#test2 = unicode_convert(json.loads(sss))
test2 = json.loads(sss.decode('utf-8'))
except UnicodeDecodeError as w:
f_new_error.write("有特殊自符" + "\n")
except ValueError:
f_new_error.write("ValueError" + "\n")
continue f_new.write("query:" + str(test2['req']['query']) + " ")
if 'recommend_word' in test2['latency']:
f_new.write("recommend_word:" + str(test2['latency']['recommend_word']) + " ")
if 'um' in test2['latency']:
f_new.write("um:" + str(test2['latency']['um']) + " ")
if 'se' in test2['latency']:
f_new.write("se:" + str(test2['latency']['se']) + " ")
if 'ia' in test2['latency']:
f_new.write("ia:" + str(test2['latency']['ia']) + " ")
if 'ir' in test2['latency']:
f_new.write("ir:" + str(test2['latency']['ir']) + " ")
if 'dm' in test2['latency']:
f_new.write("dm:" + str(test2['latency']['dm']) + " ")
if 'chat' in test2['latency']:
f_new.write("chat:" + str(test2['latency']['chat']) + " ")
if 'ACTION_CALCULATE.calc' in test2['detail_latency']:
f_new.write("ACTION_CALCULATE.calc: " + str(test2['detail_latency']['nli']['ACTION_CALCULATE.calc']) + "\n")
# f_new.write("query:" + str(test2['req']['query']) + " " + \
# "recommend_word:" + str(test2['latency']['recommend_word']) + \
# " " "um:" + str(test2['latency']['um']) + " " + \
# "se:" + str(test2['latency']['se']) + " " + \
# "ia:" + str(test2['latency']['ia']) + " " + \
# "ir:" + str(test2['latency']['ir']) + " " + \
# "dm:" + str(test2['latency']['dm']) + " " + \
# "chat:" + str(test2['latency']['chat']) + " " + \
# "ACTION_CALCULATE.calc: " + str(test2['detail_latency']['nli']['ACTION_CALCULATE.calc']) + "\n")
#except KeyError as e:
# f_new_error.write(line)
# f_new_error.write("losing key:" + str(e) + "\n")
# continue



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