

let input = xxx as HTMLInputElement;
let input = <HTMLElement>xxxx;

Object Shapes:

Typescript only cares about the shape of an object.


  • only describe structure, no implementation
  • don't compile to any js code
  • DRY, easy refactoring
  • open, can be extended later on. (extends)



Nothing can be assigned to never.

function return type void.


still protofypal inheritance, but better syntax.

static method:

static createPerson() {

instance / public fields:

class Person {
static population = 122; // public (static) field
country = 'China'; // instance field constructor(name) {


class Person : Human {
constructor() {

super.xxx(); // function invoke.


    static get [Symbol.species]() {
return Array;



enum Gender {



Fixed length.

let t2: [string, number];
t2 = ['angular', 1];

Type Aliases:

interface sometimes is not good enough.

type keyword to define a type alias:

type Color = [number, number, number];
let red: Color = [255, 0, 0];

can be exported.

Object Literals


let person = {
__proto__ : String.prototype,
name: 'Dave',
[`${company}Title`]: 'CTO',
toString() {
return `${super.toString()}xxx`;

Destructured Assignment:

Rest, Spread Properties:


rest: and the rest goes here

spread: and all the properties on this object.

Getters, Setters:

Function - Types:

Functions have a type just like any other value.

interface can also describe functions:

interface ClickListener {
(this: Window, e: MouseEvent): void
} const myListender: ClickListener = (e) => {

this, calling context must be window.

Function - Parameters:

named, optional, default value, rest parameters(...).


let persons = Array<[String, String]>(20);

can specify constraints on generic types:

function calc<T extends number>(x: T, y: T) {


can also be use with interface:

interface IFileReader<T extends File> {
read(file: T): Blod

Access Modifier Keywords:

public, protected, private

Function overloading:

Allows us to have more than one function "head", but a single implementation.

function add(x: number, y: number): number; // this pattern ok
function add(x: string, y: string, radix: number): number; // this pattern ok function add(x: number | string, y: number | string, radix: number = 10): number { // must match 2 patterns above.
return parseInt(`${x}`, radix) + parseInt(`${y}`, radix);
add(1, '4'); // not ok

Iterators & Generators

Iterators: keeping track of current position, next()


  • support for .. of loop.
  • Requires implementation of Symbol.iteractor method
  • Array, Map already support it.


  • yield
  • function*() syntax
  • returns an iterator
  • State of closure is preserved between .next() calls.
  • Execution Can be Paused (yield).

it.next() goes in the loop, and pause after yield until next it.next() call.


The ability to pass values in while iterating.


yield* keyword.

yield* [1, 2, 3];

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