编译内核时出现drivers/mfd/mxc-hdmi-core.c:36:24: fatal error: mach/clock.h: No such file or directory
drivers/mfd/mxc-hdmi-core.c::: fatal error: mach/clock.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[]: *** [drivers/mfd/mxc-hdmi-core.o] 错误
make[]: *** [drivers/mfd] 错误
make: *** [drivers] 错误
先使用make clean试一下,不行还会出现同样的问题,
编译内核时出现drivers/mfd/mxc-hdmi-core.c:36:24: fatal error: mach/clock.h: No such file or directory的更多相关文章
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