
1. pre <= x <= current

2. 遍历到了head时,x>tail 或者 x<=head (不会等于tail)

3. 遍历回aNode或同值的Node,此时直接插到此Node的前面

public void insert(Node aNode, int x) {
  ListNode last = aNode;
  ListNode current = aNode.next;
  while (current.val != aNode.val) {
    if(last.val<=x && x<=current.val) {
    else {
      if (last.val>current.val && (last.val<x || x<=current.val)) {
    last = current;
    current = current.next;
  if(!inserted) {

public void insertbtw(ListNode last, ListNode current, int x) {
  ListNode temp = new ListNode(x);
  last.next = temp;
  temp.next = current;



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