MIME(multipurpose internet mail extensions)多用途互联网邮件扩展类型是描述消息内容类型的因特网标准。MIME消息能包含文本、图像、音频、视频以及其他应用程序专用的数据。
类型/子类型 | 扩展名 |
application/envoy | evy |
application/fractals | fif |
application/futuresplash | spl |
application/hta | hta |
application/internet-property-stream | acx |
application/mac-binhex40 | hqx |
application/msword | doc |
application/msword | dot |
application/octet-stream | * |
application/octet-stream | bin |
application/octet-stream | class |
application/octet-stream | dms |
application/octet-stream | exe |
application/octet-stream | lha |
application/octet-stream | lzh |
application/oda | oda |
application/olescript | axs |
application/pdf | |
application/pics-rules | prf |
application/pkcs10 | p10 |
application/pkix-crl | crl |
application/postscript | ai |
application/postscript | eps |
application/postscript | ps |
application/rtf | rtf |
application/set-payment-initiation | setpay |
application/set-registration-initiation | setreg |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xla |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xlc |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xlm |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xls |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xlt |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xlw |
application/vnd.ms-outlook | msg |
application/vnd.ms-pkicertstore | sst |
application/vnd.ms-pkiseccat | cat |
application/vnd.ms-pkistl | stl |
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | pot |
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | pps |
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | ppt |
application/vnd.ms-project | mpp |
application/vnd.ms-works | wcm |
application/vnd.ms-works | wdb |
application/vnd.ms-works | wks |
application/vnd.ms-works | wps |
application/winhlp | hlp |
application/x-bcpio | bcpio |
application/x-cdf | cdf |
application/x-compress | z |
application/x-compressed | tgz |
application/x-cpio | cpio |
application/x-csh | csh |
application/x-director | dcr |
application/x-director | dir |
application/x-director | dxr |
application/x-dvi | dvi |
application/x-gtar | gtar |
application/x-gzip | gz |
application/x-hdf | hdf |
application/x-internet-signup | ins |
application/x-internet-signup | isp |
application/x-iphone | iii |
application/x-javascript | js |
application/x-latex | latex |
application/x-msaccess | mdb |
application/x-mscardfile | crd |
application/x-msclip | clp |
application/x-msdownload | dll |
application/x-msmediaview | m13 |
application/x-msmediaview | m14 |
application/x-msmediaview | mvb |
application/x-msmetafile | wmf |
application/x-msmoney | mny |
application/x-mspublisher | pub |
application/x-msschedule | scd |
application/x-msterminal | trm |
application/x-mswrite | wri |
application/x-netcdf | cdf |
application/x-netcdf | nc |
application/x-perfmon | pma |
application/x-perfmon | pmc |
application/x-perfmon | pml |
application/x-perfmon | pmr |
application/x-perfmon | pmw |
application/x-pkcs12 | p12 |
application/x-pkcs12 | pfx |
application/x-pkcs7-certificates | p7b |
application/x-pkcs7-certificates | spc |
application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp | p7r |
application/x-pkcs7-mime | p7c |
application/x-pkcs7-mime | p7m |
application/x-pkcs7-signature | p7s |
application/x-sh | sh |
application/x-shar | shar |
application/x-shockwave-flash | swf |
application/x-stuffit | sit |
application/x-sv4cpio | sv4cpio |
application/x-sv4crc | sv4crc |
application/x-tar | tar |
application/x-tcl | tcl |
application/x-tex | tex |
application/x-texinfo | texi |
application/x-texinfo | texinfo |
application/x-troff | roff |
application/x-troff | t |
application/x-troff | tr |
application/x-troff-man | man |
application/x-troff-me | me |
application/x-troff-ms | ms |
application/x-ustar | ustar |
application/x-wais-source | src |
application/x-x509-ca-cert | cer |
application/x-x509-ca-cert | crt |
application/x-x509-ca-cert | der |
application/ynd.ms-pkipko | pko |
application/zip | zip |
audio/basic | au |
audio/basic | snd |
audio/mid | mid |
audio/mid | rmi |
audio/mpeg | mp3 |
audio/x-aiff | aif |
audio/x-aiff | aifc |
audio/x-aiff | aiff |
audio/x-mpegurl | m3u |
audio/x-pn-realaudio | ra |
audio/x-pn-realaudio | ram |
audio/x-wav | wav |
image/bmp | bmp |
image/cis-cod | cod |
image/gif | gif |
image/ief | ief |
image/jpeg | jpe |
image/jpeg | jpeg |
image/jpeg | jpg |
image/pipeg | jfif |
image/svg+xml | svg |
image/tiff | tif |
image/tiff | tiff |
image/x-cmu-raster | ras |
image/x-cmx | cmx |
image/x-icon | ico |
image/x-portable-anymap | pnm |
image/x-portable-bitmap | pbm |
image/x-portable-graymap | pgm |
image/x-portable-pixmap | ppm |
image/x-rgb | rgb |
image/x-xbitmap | xbm |
image/x-xpixmap | xpm |
image/x-xwindowdump | xwd |
message/rfc822 | mht |
message/rfc822 | mhtml |
message/rfc822 | nws |
text/css | css |
text/h323 | 323 |
text/html | htm |
text/html | html |
text/html | stm |
text/iuls | uls |
text/plain | bas |
text/plain | c |
text/plain | h |
text/plain | txt |
text/richtext | rtx |
text/scriptlet | sct |
text/tab-separated-values | tsv |
text/webviewhtml | htt |
text/x-component | htc |
text/x-setext | etx |
text/x-vcard | vcf |
video/mpeg | mp2 |
video/mpeg | mpa |
video/mpeg | mpe |
video/mpeg | mpeg |
video/mpeg | mpg |
video/mpeg | mpv2 |
video/quicktime | mov |
video/quicktime | qt |
video/x-la-asf | lsf |
video/x-la-asf | lsx |
video/x-ms-asf | asf |
video/x-ms-asf | asr |
video/x-ms-asf | asx |
video/x-msvideo | avi |
video/x-sgi-movie | movie |
x-world/x-vrml | flr |
x-world/x-vrml | vrml |
x-world/x-vrml | wrl |
x-world/x-vrml | wrz |
x-world/x-vrml | xaf |
x-world/x-vrml | xof |
扩展名 | 类型/子类型 |
application/octet-stream | |
323 | text/h323 |
acx | application/internet-property-stream |
ai | application/postscript |
aif | audio/x-aiff |
aifc | audio/x-aiff |
aiff | audio/x-aiff |
asf | video/x-ms-asf |
asr | video/x-ms-asf |
asx | video/x-ms-asf |
au | audio/basic |
avi | video/x-msvideo |
axs | application/olescript |
bas | text/plain |
bcpio | application/x-bcpio |
bin | application/octet-stream |
bmp | image/bmp |
c | text/plain |
cat | application/vnd.ms-pkiseccat |
cdf | application/x-cdf |
cer | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
class | application/octet-stream |
clp | application/x-msclip |
cmx | image/x-cmx |
cod | image/cis-cod |
cpio | application/x-cpio |
crd | application/x-mscardfile |
crl | application/pkix-crl |
crt | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
csh | application/x-csh |
css | text/css |
dcr | application/x-director |
der | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
dir | application/x-director |
dll | application/x-msdownload |
dms | application/octet-stream |
doc | application/msword |
dot | application/msword |
dvi | application/x-dvi |
dxr | application/x-director |
eps | application/postscript |
etx | text/x-setext |
evy | application/envoy |
exe | application/octet-stream |
fif | application/fractals |
flr | x-world/x-vrml |
gif | image/gif |
gtar | application/x-gtar |
gz | application/x-gzip |
h | text/plain |
hdf | application/x-hdf |
hlp | application/winhlp |
hqx | application/mac-binhex40 |
hta | application/hta |
htc | text/x-component |
htm | text/html |
html | text/html |
htt | text/webviewhtml |
ico | image/x-icon |
ief | image/ief |
iii | application/x-iphone |
ins | application/x-internet-signup |
isp | application/x-internet-signup |
jfif | image/pipeg |
jpe | image/jpeg |
jpeg | image/jpeg |
jpg | image/jpeg |
js | application/x-javascript |
latex | application/x-latex |
lha | application/octet-stream |
lsf | video/x-la-asf |
lsx | video/x-la-asf |
lzh | application/octet-stream |
m13 | application/x-msmediaview |
m14 | application/x-msmediaview |
m3u | audio/x-mpegurl |
man | application/x-troff-man |
mdb | application/x-msaccess |
me | application/x-troff-me |
mht | message/rfc822 |
mhtml | message/rfc822 |
mid | audio/mid |
mny | application/x-msmoney |
mov | video/quicktime |
movie | video/x-sgi-movie |
mp2 | video/mpeg |
mp3 | audio/mpeg |
mpa | video/mpeg |
mpe | video/mpeg |
mpeg | video/mpeg |
mpg | video/mpeg |
mpp | application/vnd.ms-project |
mpv2 | video/mpeg |
ms | application/x-troff-ms |
mvb | application/x-msmediaview |
nws | message/rfc822 |
oda | application/oda |
p10 | application/pkcs10 |
p12 | application/x-pkcs12 |
p7b | application/x-pkcs7-certificates |
p7c | application/x-pkcs7-mime |
p7m | application/x-pkcs7-mime |
p7r | application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp |
p7s | application/x-pkcs7-signature |
pbm | image/x-portable-bitmap |
application/pdf | |
pfx | application/x-pkcs12 |
pgm | image/x-portable-graymap |
pko | application/ynd.ms-pkipko |
pma | application/x-perfmon |
pmc | application/x-perfmon |
pml | application/x-perfmon |
pmr | application/x-perfmon |
pmw | application/x-perfmon |
pnm | image/x-portable-anymap |
pot, | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint |
ppm | image/x-portable-pixmap |
pps | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint |
ppt | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint |
prf | application/pics-rules |
ps | application/postscript |
pub | application/x-mspublisher |
qt | video/quicktime |
ra | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
ram | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
ras | image/x-cmu-raster |
rgb | image/x-rgb |
rmi | audio/mid |
roff | application/x-troff |
rtf | application/rtf |
rtx | text/richtext |
scd | application/x-msschedule |
sct | text/scriptlet |
setpay | application/set-payment-initiation |
setreg | application/set-registration-initiation |
sh | application/x-sh |
shar | application/x-shar |
sit | application/x-stuffit |
snd | audio/basic |
spc | application/x-pkcs7-certificates |
spl | application/futuresplash |
src | application/x-wais-source |
sst | application/vnd.ms-pkicertstore |
stl | application/vnd.ms-pkistl |
stm | text/html |
svg | image/svg+xml |
sv4cpio | application/x-sv4cpio |
sv4crc | application/x-sv4crc |
swf | application/x-shockwave-flash |
t | application/x-troff |
tar | application/x-tar |
tcl | application/x-tcl |
tex | application/x-tex |
texi | application/x-texinfo |
texinfo | application/x-texinfo |
tgz | application/x-compressed |
tif | image/tiff |
tiff | image/tiff |
tr | application/x-troff |
trm | application/x-msterminal |
tsv | text/tab-separated-values |
txt | text/plain |
uls | text/iuls |
ustar | application/x-ustar |
vcf | text/x-vcard |
vrml | x-world/x-vrml |
wav | audio/x-wav |
wcm | application/vnd.ms-works |
wdb | application/vnd.ms-works |
wks | application/vnd.ms-works |
wmf | application/x-msmetafile |
wps | application/vnd.ms-works |
wri | application/x-mswrite |
wrl | x-world/x-vrml |
wrz | x-world/x-vrml |
xaf | x-world/x-vrml |
xbm | image/x-xbitmap |
xla | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xlc | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xlm | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xls | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xlt | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xlw | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xof | x-world/x-vrml |
xpm | image/x-xpixmap |
xwd | image/x-xwindowdump |
z | application/x-compress |
zip | application/zip |
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