Loadrunner 运行场景时提示“

vuser_init.c(12): Error: Socket descriptor not found.  Hint: the problem might be solved applying the following: (1) Update Run-Time Settings to Run Vuser as a process. (2) Add the following line into mdrv.dat, [lr_socks] section: 'ExtCmdLineConc=-UsingWinInet Yes'.

ExtCmdLineConc=-UsingWinInet Yes”


1.运行场景时将Multithreading设置为 “Run Vuser as a process”

2.在目录“.\HP\LoadRunner\dat\mdrv.dat”文件的[lr_socks]节点增加“ExtCmdLineConc=-UsingWinInet Yes ”如图所示:

3.菜单栏中点击Diagnostics->configuration项,将web page diagnostics项改为:Enable ()


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