
类目           属性                备注

kingshard  无

master 主库

slave  读库

详细了解地址 https://github.com/flike/kingshard/blob/master/README_ZH.md



  1. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 ~]# yum -y install go git
  2. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 ~]# mkdir /data/download
  3. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 ~]# cd /data/download/
  4. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 download]# git clone https://github.com/flike/kingshard.git /etc/kingshard
  5. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 download]# cd /etc/kingshard/
  6. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 kingshard]# source ./dev.sh
  7. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 kingshard]# make


  1. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 kingshard]# cp etc/ks.yaml etc/ks.yaml.bak
  2. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 kingshard]# vi etc/ks.yaml

# kingshard的地址和端口
addr :

# prometheus server listen addr
prometheus_addr :

# 连接kingshard的用户名和密码的用户列表
user : root
password : root
# -
# user : kingshard 注册一个账号
# password : kingshard

#kingshard的web API 端口
web_addr :
web_user : admin
web_password : admin

# if set log_path, the sql log will write into log_path/sql.log,the system log
# will write into log_path/sys.log
# log_path : /Users/flike/log

# log级别,[debug|info|warn|error],默认是error
log_level : debug

# 打开SQL日志,设置为on;关闭SQL日志,设置为off
log_sql: on

#slow_log_time : 100

# the path of blacklist sql file
# all these sqls in the file will been forbidden by kingshard
#blacklist_sql_file: /Users/flike/blacklist

# 只允许下面的IP列表连接kingshard,如果不配置则对连接kingshard的IP不做限制。
# support ip and ip segment
#allow_ips :,

# kingshard使用的字符集,如果不设置该选项,则kingshard使用utf8作为默认字符集
proxy_charset: utf8mb4

# node is an agenda for real remote mysql server.
nodes :
name : node1

# 连接池中最大空闲连接数,也就是最多与后端DB建立max_conns_limit个连接
max_conns_limit : 32
# kingshard连接该node中mysql的用户名和密码,master和slave的用户名和密码必须一致 grant option设置的密码需要一致

user : root
password : root

# master的地址和端口
master :

# slave的地址、端口和读权重,@后面的表示该slave的读权重。可不配置slave
#slave :,
slave :
#down_after_noalive : 32
down_after_noalive : 32

# schema defines sharding rules, the db is the sharding table database.
schema_list :
user: root
nodes: [node1]
default: node1
db : kingshard
table: test_shard_hash
key: id
nodes: [node1]
type: hash
locations: [4]

db : hidb
table: test_hash
key: id
nodes: [node1]
type: hash
locations: [4]
db : kingshard
table: test_shard_range
key: id
type: range
nodes: [node1]
locations: [4]
table_row_limit: 10000
# -
# db : kingshard
# table: test_shard_time
# key: id
# nodes: [node1]
# type: hash
# locations: [2]
# -
# db : kingshard
# table: test_shard_month
# key: dtime
# type: date_month
# nodes: [node1]
# date_range: [201603-201605,201609-201612]
# -
# db : kingshard
# table: test_shard_day
# key: mtime
# type: date_day
# nodes: [node1]
# date_range: [20160306-20160307,20160308-20160309]


  1. ln /etc/kingshard /usr/bin/kingshard


  1. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 kingshard]# yum -y install screen
  2. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 kingshard]# screen -R ks
  3. [root@gzsd-ks01-101110214 kingshard]# kingshard --config=etc/ks.yaml



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