Given a non-empty binary tree, find the maximum path sum.

For this problem, a path is defined as any sequence of nodes from some starting node to any node in the tree along the parent-child connections. The path must contain at least one node and does not need to go through the root.

Example 1:

  1. Input: [1,2,3]
  3. 1
  4. / \
  5. 2 3
  7. Output: 6

Example 2:

  1. Input: [-10,9,20,null,null,15,7]
  3.   -10
  4.    / \
  5.   9  20
  6.     /  \
  7.    15   7
  9. Output: 42
  11. Time: O(N)
  1. # Definition for a binary tree node.
  2. # class TreeNode:
  3. # def __init__(self, x):
  4. # self.val = x
  5. # self.left = None
  6. # self.right = None
  8. class Solution:
  9. def maxPathSum(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
  10. import sys
  11. self.res = -sys.maxsize - 1
  12. self.helper(root, self.res)
  13. return self.res
  15. def helper(self, root, res):
  16. if root is None:
  17. return 0
  18. left = self.helper(root.left, res)
  19. right = self.helper(root.right, res)
  20. if left < 0:
  21. left = 0
  22. if right < 0:
  23. right = 0
  24. cur_max = root.val + left + right
  25. if cur_max > self.res:
  26. # resultcan choose from both children
  27. self.res = cur_max
  28. # return back only choose one path
  29. return root.val + max(left, right)
  1. /**
  2. * Definition for a binary tree node.
  3. * public class TreeNode {
  4. * int val;
  5. * TreeNode left;
  6. * TreeNode right;
  7. * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
  8. * }
  9. */
  10. class Solution {
  11. int res = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
  12. public int maxPathSum(TreeNode root) {
  13. helper(root);
  14. return res;
  15. }
  17. private int helper(TreeNode root) {
  18. if (root == null) {
  19. return 0;
  20. }
  21. int left = helper(root.left);
  22. int right = helper(root.right);
  23. left = left < 0 ? 0 : left;
  24. right = right < 0 ? 0 : right;
  25. res = Math.max(res, left + right + root.val);
  26. return Math.max(left, right) + root.val;
  27. }
  28. }

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