There are signs ________ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.

 A. that
 B. which
 C. in which
 D. whose



 正确答案是: A

PHRASAL VERB 考虑到;将…计算在内;为…酌留余地If you allow for certain problems or expenses, you include some extra time or money in your planning so that you can deal with them if they occur.

You have to allow for a certain amount of error...


Looking at the business suits which she chose, she felt a little inebriety . She was very confident of her sight!


The enemy has come to us, " he said, "and instead of fighting eachother, we should take advantage of their vulnerability. "


PHRASAL VERB 开始从事;喜欢上If you take up an activity or a subject, you become interested in it and spend time doing it, either as a hobby or as a career.

He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport...


He left a job in the City to take up farming...


First, Europe's economic growth remains sluggish and likely will lag behind that of the U. K. and the U.


It may take them at least three months to get round to it but, contrary to popular perception, men are the first to say I love you.


She had been seeking for a new partner for her business for a long time before finally finding one.



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