在通过myBatis执行sql时,报错: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "F"


                    <if test="myKey == 'P' ">
and `Field1` = #{fieldname}

其中 fieldname的值为 F, 没明白会报 NumberFormatException, 明明是字符型,后一步步调试代码到:



    protected Object getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source) throws OgnlException {
Object v1 = this._children[0].getValue(context, source);
Object v2 = this._children[1].getValue(context, source);
return OgnlOps.equal(v1, v2) ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE;



没明白,后边试着把 <if test="myKey == 'P' "> 调整为:  <if test="myKey == 'PP' "> 多加了一个P

这时v2的类型就为String了,估计MyBatis如果发现为单字符,都统一处理为了 Character, 试着调整为: <if test="myKey == "P" "> 单引号改为双引号(或加转义符),都不行

试着转换单双引号为(test里外包的将双引号改为单引号, P字符调整为双引号):

                    <if test='myKey == "P" '>
and `Field1` = #{fieldname}


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