提到short essay(可能其他essay也一样),很多同学都很头疼。“没有思路?不知从何下笔?没有亮点?”等等,这些都是同学们的致命伤,因此,short essay就成为了广大留学生的“送命题”。难道没有解决办法吗?当然不是!今天Meeloun小编就跟大家一起来看看short essay写作中“满满的套路”!

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  Along with the proliferation of…

  Although there are various views on…,on a personal note,I believe…


  On the one hand,there are clear benefits for establishing...

  First of all,...


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  On the other hand,however,there are some drawbacks that we must take into consideration.

  Most importantly…

  On top of that,...


  In conclusion,it is evident that...

  If well managed,or regulated by authorities,the xxx can be expected to play a vital role in the…


  It is believed that laws can change people's behaviour.What is your opinion?

  Along with the economic growth,the rightness and effectiveness of laws in regulating people’s behavior have been heatedly debated recently.Although there are various views on the importance of laws,on a personal note,I tend to believe their positive influence on our society.

  First of all,laws have always been contributing to our civilization by eliminating anti-social activities and reducing violence.In other words,people have become so familiar with them that their effectiveness can not be neglected.It is difficult,or impossible to maintain the order of our society if laws disappear.Furthermore,laws also play a vital role in promoting justice and equality.For example,punishments to criminals will greatly encourage the citizens who well obey the laws.

  On the other hand,however,there are some drawbacks that we have to take into consideration as well.Obviously,the latency in legislation can reduce the positive effects of laws.For example,with the advent of information technology era,some new formations of crimes such as computer hacking,or online thefts,et cetera are burgeoning in modern society.However,the relevant laws are clearly delayed in this domain so that many criminals have successfully managed to escape from justice.In addition,sometimes,bad executions of laws might impact their reputation among people.

  In conclusion,laws play an extremely important role in civilized society,by punishing the evil and protecting the good.Everyone in the society should work together with the law-makers to promote a more effective legal system in our society.

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